Well-Known Member
I consider myself a child of science and as such I like to experiment. When I first started this addicting hobby, I didn't know much and jumped in with both feet after a friend of a friend died and his wife wanted all the equipment out of the house. My first grow was from seed in rockwool. Literally just rockwool lol. I used the slabs and when the roots started poking out the bottom I just put another slab under and the whole monstrosity just sat on a cake pan. It looked like the leaning tower of weeda. I fed them by hand everyday. It was ghetto as fuck but also wildly successful. Since then I've tried soil in buckets, dwc in buckets and an aero table that I was gifted. After having multiple successful harvests using those growing methods I am wanting to try and conquer a different method. So, what do you guys think? What have you been running? Ebb/Flow, NFT? I'm also interested in variations of techniques that I've already tried. I'm more interested in a diy system than a store bought one. Thanks in advance for any and all suggestions!!