cheddar is comin back at ya!! slh and clone only's


Well-Known Member
They are comin down next friday get valentines out the way haha the misses has put her foot down lol
lol dont start me on valentines day the wifes already had over £600 off me and it aint even the said day yet, so knowing her she will still expect another present to open on the day, even tho ive bought her a car already and took her away for a cpl days. thats just women for u m8


Well-Known Member
Hahaha sedate her then Lol tbf me and my mrs normaply only it first thing in morning at last thing at night and that's slowly been degraded so side shot all the time lmao


Active Member
Im gonna take another load of cuts tomoz as my mother are outta control lol ive got the list at the ready who wants and there is more than enough on the mother to take em in 1 mate so ill sort it jus gimme a few wks and it ll be on its way no probs!! Work is tekin piss atm thats why its been slow! Look at the bush on the mothers lmao 20140212_211723.jpg
There is 2 cuts of lemon there in 1litre pots ready 2 b sent 2 zed and ic3 wen I can get in post office which should be monday latest! Did ya hear me monday latest lol20140212_211718.jpg
Just waitin for these 2 root and the mothers are gettin demolished lol just sprayed with avid as a precaution

Ive a fuck loads more of flowering exo and slh so ill bang em on tomoz


Well-Known Member
Aye the mums are wild ain't they man..haha don't say Monday Ice will be all over your ass lolol...them cuts dont look far off nice thick swellin gwanin off...I'll take one off your hands whenever mate no problemo


Well-Known Member
why do you take such hard cuts? some of the stalks on them cuts are like tree trunks lol prob the reason they took so long.

see the difference with mine in the pic.



Well-Known Member
I had to sambs the mothers get outta control haha the fuckers are still in 1 litre pots aswell haha
they just look fucking HUGE lol only time ive really taken hard cuttings is when for what ever reason I rooted a load in Rockwell cubes, rooted quite quick n high success rate but prob not as thick as some of them bad boys lolol


Active Member
Lol yh mate ive had em thicker than that lmfao gonna try squeeze more outta my mothers and get a few more props the wkend as theres only so many u can fit in that little monstrosity of a prop of mine lmao should get close to 50 to 70 off the 1 slh and 2exo mothers I reckon haha