Free pot to Medical Patients!!


Well-Known Member
yes, but if there is ANY cash around when the gift is given, the Fed makes it admissible circumstantial evidence to prove that a transaction was actually taking place! I have seen it, even when there was absolutely no cash exchanged whatsoever, and it is still against federal "law" to give it to some one (though that "law" gets trumped by the constitution if anyone knows how to use it properly)


Well-Known Member
Oh so anyone can grow for these clubs. No wonder they get raided often...I didn't know these clubs get illegal nugs. What IS legal about these clubs?


Well-Known Member
they are 100% legal according to the state of california. the people voted and the majority agreed that med weed was A ok.
the federal gov. considers it 100% illegal.


Well-Known Member
nah sorry man i got dreams that are gona come true.... I want to make money of my medicine... not being rude or anything like that.. disrespectfull....

just dont want to give out stuff for free...... You would be looking after 200+ plants and then working the whole day for bread & Water..... ?? no thnx... :D

just my 2 cents......


Well-Known Member
them being in possession of Cannabis, cultivating Cannabis, them "giving" them meds to the patience, them paying sales tax to the SBOE. They go on a very fine line (no matter what the Fed can fuck them), they are protected by state laws, as long as the money is not exchanged to the same exact person at the same exact time as the medicine is transfered into the hands of the patient, technically they ride the line of giving and selling (either way its federally illegal, and in most case only direct sales are illegal according to the state!)


Well-Known Member
You obviously don't understand the way non profit orgs work! nor the all around benefits of the program. FYI when we start giving it away, the value of what your growing will slowly but steadily go down!


Well-Known Member
Omg just fucking make it legal !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Exactly, when that happens, price will drop dramatically, and your stuff will be worth way less. Take money out of the equation, and it works out and makes sense!


Well-Known Member
So what you are doing isnt legal or is it legal ? Or is it a loophole.. i dont understand... :D


Well-Known Member
So what you are doing isnt legal or is it legal ? Or is it a loophole.. i dont understand... :D
it is a small loophole that might reduce federal criminal charges. but you will still get in trouble.


Well-Known Member
okey then i was gona type this before... but then i didnt type it !

Not being rude just what i was thinking dont jump on me i still love you guy's..

just want weed to be legal ffs !


It wont happen.... its just silly how all are trying to find these little holes to be legal... weed should be legal... instead of writing all this stuff on the forums you guy's have to go out there and make it become legal...

by making all these diffrent options open you are just making them even more mad ! = they wont tolerate you anymore and will get harder and they will shit on you just like you shat on there laws.....



Well-Known Member
Well. According to the original Constitution of the US and the bill of rights, it is completely legal (you just have to know exactly how and when to use it), however, because of Big Banks, the Media Complex, the Medical Industrial Complex, Alcohol and Tobacco industries, and corrupt politicians people go to jail for it everyday, oh and don't forget about the all around shitty American Educational system! Doing this, I am sure, if it is done right, will greatly increase the chances of it becoming completely decriminalized and federally regulated. I am talking about including so many groups and orgs in so many ways, so many influential groups etc. that there will be irrefutable proof that legalizing and regulating is the best way to handle the situation!


Well-Known Member
We must communicate effectively and network strategically at the same time as hitting the streets, local legislatures, congress etc. Read the fucking MASSES thread please!


Well-Known Member
by making all these diffrent options open you are just making them even more mad ! = they wont tolerate you anymore and will get harder and they will shit on you just like you shat on there laws.....
That is exactly why unifying is so important!