please help she's sick after transplant

hey guys,

I'm new to growing but have read alot on it, and until yesterday was told by experienced growers that my plant looked super healthy.. The only thing that changed since then was the transplant of my plant from cup to 5g pot. (which went pretty smoothly so I don't understand) My first two leaves after the cotyledon s have begun to show legions as well as clawing downward, and one leaf in particular that I accidentally pierced w a toothpick (was recovering great until yesterday) is very stiff, has a black spot, and also yellowish brown legions as you can see in the picture.. Any help, advice and suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks guys. and a day later after several failed adjustments it's gotten worse.



Well-Known Member
How long after you watered did you take those pictures? Looks like a swamp, can see the water puddling. Looks to me like the water has nowhere to go so it's flooded. Is the pot raised off the saucer or whatever its sat in or on? If not you need to raise it a couple of inches to allow run off to escape and allow air to circulate.

Pot size that's a big jump for a plant that size but there are watering techniques for smaller plants in larger pots. Look it up.
took the pic right after trying to drain the soil mix... thought it was too abundant in nitro and wanted to bring it down bc I thought she was getting nutrient burn. I checkd the roots and saw them circling the bottom so I switches it over upon suggestions from others. thanks for the words guys... here's a pic of the whole plant w out the swamp lol.


Well-Known Member
she did improve slightly..IL try to raise her and look up how to feed small plant w alot of medium. any other words of advice from experienced growers would be great
Yeah. That container is way to big man. Do not water all of it next time. You should only be watering with like 1l of water. They don't drink that much when they are small.


Well-Known Member
Plant is looking better. Soil still looking a bit swampy though. Looks like you're using a bucket as a pot, did you drill enough holes? When you raise the pot it wants to be high enough to sit out of any run off really.
I definately think you're's a pot not a bucket lol I somehow thought it was close to 5 gallons but I guess not (did drill extra drainage holes tho and add some perlite to absorb the water better as well as raising it for better drainage. I read that if you see the roots circling the cup, that u should switch it over or you will stunt the growth. jus happy to see improvement. IL take your guys advice and keep posting updated pictures. thanks again


Well-Known Member
I definately think you're's a pot not a bucket lol I somehow thought it was close to 5 gallons but I guess not (did drill extra drainage holes tho and add some perlite to absorb the water better as well as raising it for better drainage. I read that if you see the roots circling the cup, that u should switch it over or you will stunt the growth. jus happy to see improvement. IL take your guys advice and keep posting updated pictures. thanks again
You were right to transplant but normally you'd not go as big as a 5g from a solo. But as I said there are simple watering techniques. That drainage looks poor considering there is perlite and the pot is raised. You didn't compact the soil did you?
I didn't compact but I did use alot of water to drain the soil and I think its a combo of poor drainage,and a bad perlite+soil ratio and lack of nutes (storm f×cked up shipping)


Well-Known Member
Shouldn't need nutes for a few weeks depending on what you're growing in, they look OK for nutes for now. Let it dry out before you next water and just water 0.5-1L in a circle a few inches around it, don't pour it to quickly. Slowly build up the volume of water and area you water each time you water. You're better to under water than over.
Shouldn't need nutes for a few weeks depending on what you're growing in, they look OK for nutes for now. Let it dry out before you next water and just water 0.5-1L in a circle a few inches around it, don't pour it to quickly. Slowly build up the volume of water and area you water each time you water. You're better to under water than over.
just 4 cfls for seedling and a 2700k floodlight to keep it warm (I'm up north) 600 watt mh/hps w fox grow trio and ferts from holland on the way. 3 different strains white widow xtm auto Flo, pine express fem, and light of Jah fem. Need a ph pen or sum litmus paper, hum meter,ph balancers and I want the technaflora starters kit also. heard good things. money is tight right now tho so I have to wait for those. how about you?
I want to also add suplementart lighting down the road.. maybe some t5 tubes?? or a cheap led?I got the 600 watt mh/hps kit so I wouldn't need much help from anything else and I know the girls love those mh/hps s. any suggestions?? I won't pretend I know sh*t when I don't and def appreciate all the help I can get. thanks again.