Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
I hurt my back putting my socks on yesterday morning and then I had to go to the dentist. The chair at the dentist office isn't good for a sore back I had to stuff some pillows behind me. It was kind of a miserable experience. I managed to avoid them for 30 years but a broken bicuspid needed attention. Three visits and they've soaked up $1000 already and they still have more work to do. They chipped a tooth trying to extract the broken one and I had a cracked molar on the same side. By the time the prep guy was done prepping for the fillings I had what felt like huge holes in those two teeth. The fillings are in and they look fine now but damn. I'm starting to think they're just fucking shit up as they go so they can fix it later.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I hurt my back putting my socks on yesterday morning and then I had to go to the dentist. The chair at the dentist office isn't good for a sore back I had to stuff some pillows behind me. It was kind of a miserable experience. I managed to avoid them for 30 years but a broken bicuspid needed attention. Three visits and they've soaked up $1000 already and they still have more work to do. They chipped a tooth trying to extract the broken one and I had a cracked molar on the same side. By the time the prep guy was done prepping for the fillings I had what felt like huge holes in those two teeth. The fillings are in and they look fine now but damn. I'm starting to think they're just fucking shit up as they go so they can fix it later.
Inversion table for your back then work on your core. Sorry about the dentist but one crown out here is $1000.00 so it sounds like they are being reasonable. Dental disease can cause heart disease so it's good you went in.


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I think my mop hates me. I need to pick up some muriatic acid to clean old mortar off some tiles. The floor was a bit sticky so I thought, perfect, mop the floor and by the time you get home it's dry.

I mopped in the opposite direction, then dumped the mop water!! I get to sit here and wait for the floor to dry.



Well-Known Member
I hurt my back putting my socks on yesterday morning and then I had to go to the dentist. The chair at the dentist office isn't good for a sore back I had to stuff some pillows behind me. It was kind of a miserable experience. I managed to avoid them for 30 years but a broken bicuspid needed attention. Three visits and they've soaked up $1000 already and they still have more work to do. They chipped a tooth trying to extract the broken one and I had a cracked molar on the same side. By the time the prep guy was done prepping for the fillings I had what felt like huge holes in those two teeth. The fillings are in and they look fine now but damn. I'm starting to think they're just fucking shit up as they go so they can fix it later.
This is not the case. Go regularly and they wont have to do so much work. Big ups for going! I'm also due soon....


Staff member
Technicalities I know , but being discouraged user is not being banned

They are two different physical functions