Are LED's on Alibaba legit?


The "Chinese" LED strips and bars off this website just seem so cheap, has anyone purchased LED's off Alibaba before and have any feedback?

I've been researching lights for the last two weeks now and I just can't seem to pull the trigger. I need
to light up a 6 x 3 foot closet and it seems like if I go with HLG that will cost 1000$ even as a DIY.

I was hoping to spend around 600$ or less to light up my 6 x 3 closet. Any suggestions? If Alibaba is legit I see no way around it...

Any information would be useful, thanks.
i got 16 304 panels with heatsinks, drivers, and dimmers for $1200 to my door
use Shenzhen Meijiu Lighting
There's an LED lighting section in the "Indoor Growing" forum, plenty of info in the posts there.
4 sets of 4 panels. I can move the individual panels up and down the tracks. 2 dimmers, 1 on each side of the tent.
The frames have way more flex than I wanted. Going to re-do that when I can afford to, im not really happy with it, but it works for now.
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I'll contact the owner of omega light.. I was thinking 600 Canadian not USD but I forgot to mention it, also I wonder if they ship to Canada, I don't see why not.. but yes I think two of the 3x3 (12x400w) would be perfect for my 6x3 closet. So if I understand correctly, these light's would be more powerful than the 3x3HLG 320watt, and much cheaper not to mention ready to plug and use.

Thanks for the link to Omega. I'm all ears if you have any other input, or if I have misunderstood. <- I'm just finishing up his first harvest and have alot to learn
I'll contact the owner of omega light.. I was thinking 600 Canadian not USD but I forgot to mention it, also I wonder if they ship to Canada, I don't see why not.. but yes I think two of the 3x3 (12x400w) would be perfect for my 6x3 closet. So if I understand correctly, these light's would be more powerful than the 3x3HLG 320watt, and much cheaper not to mention ready to plug and use.

Thanks for the link to Omega. I'm all ears if you have any other input, or if I have misunderstood. <- I'm just finishing up his first harvest and have alot to learn
For some reason I think I saw someone said they don't ship to Canada. I'd have to check but i thought I saw it on another post.
everythings on an 8x8 footprint inside the tent.
The lights were ordered with a completely different setup in mind so I may need to get a couple more drivers for flower so we'll see.
Meter readings say I have enough light with them if I keep them in close and the way they are spread out I get a very even distribution of light at 18" with very little drop off at the center point between the panels at that distance.
The goal was run them low power, close as hell to the plants, spread out even, and train plants to have nice even tops to take advantage. Ill report back in a couple months on if it works or not lol
The "Chinese" LED strips and bars off this website just seem so cheap, has anyone purchased LED's off Alibaba before and have any feedback?

I've been researching lights for the last two weeks now and I just can't seem to pull the trigger. I need
to light up a 6 x 3 foot closet and it seems like if I go with HLG that will cost 1000$ even as a DIY.

I was hoping to spend around 600$ or less to light up my 6 x 3 closet. Any suggestions? If Alibaba is legit I see no way around it...

Any information would be useful, thanks.

yea~ i use 2000W+600W LED from China ,
i only pay 250$ , not bad its real
Ok well for anyone wondering I did pull the trigger. I bought two of the HLG 550 v2 Chinese version off of Alibaba After shipping(express),taxes and trade assurance it still came to less $ to buy two of them off Alibaba then to buy one from HLG.

I'll post pictures and quality test when they arrive in a week or two for anyone who is curious.

The price is 276$usd per unit on alibaba as opposed to 1049$usd from HLG. express shipping for two units was 160$
and there was a 14.42$ assurance fee, optional.
Shenzhen Bava Technology Co.

They arrived quickly and well packaged. It was overkill for my 6x3 closet. They are very strong lights, I need to look into a dimmer or maybe only run one of them. They create a fair amount of heat...not as much as two big HID's, but more than my previous small LED lights. However they are on full blast, so if can manage to create and attach my own potentiometer or buy a premade dimmer, I should be able to drop them just a little and get my temps back to where I want them and let my plants grow a little closer to them. Here are some pics. I am running one on either side of my carbon filter, each intended to cover a 3x3 area.


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I got the same but lm301b and are worried they are not real becouse other threads have someone who got lower bin diodes inplace withe the ones you got.Ypu see the box says sansung also but they swear they are real.They was supposed to send the driver that you can dim by turning the screw so the dimmer wouldn't matter.How to tell if the ones you got are real without test,they are like rectangular and have a black dot on can goggle it and find it.The one I gor are harder to tell. They do give of some heat and if they have the same as the real one they shouldn't be close to a hid.Did you Test?some picture's.I did a lot of research before I bought,but my stupid but forgot to put the name Bava and thats how I found the guy who got the lower bin diodes and another with mixed from Bava.The company I was talking to first has people who tested and got the real stuff.Bavas a little cheaper and that pulls some people in,another thing I seen the name Rita,someone said was good and sold the real boards.The girl from Bava is named Rita,but check this out.The Rita people was talking about is from the other company,so if they are selling the fake still,they even copied the name so people would mistake them for the good one.I am hoping they realize us Americans are smart and don't do that no more.And using it all to get back legit,once a scammer most likely always.when they think someone don't know what they are doing they might do it,maybe still are anyway.Why is the box sansung?are they making their own now.Need to test.


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