What did you accomplish today?


Ursus marijanus
One of our dogs died last night.
Totally unexpected.

He wouldn't eat t and didn't want to move much.
The thousand-yard stare was unmistakable, and I knew he was on his way out.

My wife was in denial right up until the moment he passed away.

We haven't had time to grieve. He's still here on the floor, covered with a big towel.

Today is going to suck. My wife is already a basket case and it's going to get worse when we bury him.

I already miss my little buddy.
He was a good dog.
Aw man I missed this. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Well-Known Member
One of our dogs died last night.
Totally unexpected.

He wouldn't eat t and didn't want to move much.
The thousand-yard stare was unmistakable, and I knew he was on his way out.

My wife was in denial right up until the moment he passed away.

We haven't had time to grieve. He's still here on the floor, covered with a big towel.

Today is going to suck. My wife is already a basket case and it's going to get worse when we bury him.

I already miss my little buddy.
He was a good dog.
Hey, I'm sorry for your loss. If I recall you have a company of housemates that will be affected, but also provide comfort.


Well-Known Member
Forgot to say, got my first firm order for about $1000. I just checked the deposit is in my bank account.
I see the last parts from Digikey just landed this morning upcountry, and I'm like 70% done with the work already before it is even here.
Already had to order another 5 meters of heatsinking after just one day as all the other is spoken for now.


Well-Known Member
One of our dogs died last night.
Totally unexpected.

He wouldn't eat t and didn't want to move much.
The thousand-yard stare was unmistakable, and I knew he was on his way out.

My wife was in denial right up until the moment he passed away.

We haven't had time to grieve. He's still here on the floor, covered with a big towel.

Today is going to suck. My wife is already a basket case and it's going to get worse when we bury him.

I already miss my little buddy.
He was a good dog.
This post makes me so sad, but his face makes me wanna be so happy. Sorry about your loss dude.


Well-Known Member
It's Monday, I lost a crown over the weekend, got in to see my dentist and because the crown is on a post it should be a simple reset. I brought the damn thing with me but I put it in my cup holder and then I find out the fuckin cup holder has a hole in it and my tooth dropped down inside my console so I have to take the console apart to find the crown..... and then.... then I get inside and a cute ass blonde is smiling at me like she really wants to get me in trouble.... and I can't even smile back :wall::wall::wall:

Now I'm headed home ( after a brief stop by the beer/grocery store for some t-bones and brewskis) and Tuesday is my next stop. Unfortunately I it's going to start with a sore head and an upset stomach.

My buddy had just gotten a gold crown that was over a grand in just gold. He was eating some dots and realized he swallowed the crown after it came loose.

After a few days of sifting through his shit, he found it. They put it back in



Well-Known Member
Morning everyone......hope everything is cool in your worlds....

woke up 80F feels like 86F cause of the RH, and yes we are heading toward the nice a cool temp of 101F today........funky thing is as i sit and watch the news....we might get rain.....course i look outside and not one cloud...not one....smh.....we'll see

coffee is up and hot.....creamer is out, and the sugar....and for those wonderful people....the helmut. big cheif pencel, and the large ruler line pad is out...:bigjoint:

had a wonderful evening watching my grandson sleep on the couch last night, course the step daughter was over, dropping me off a gift <wink>and the the baby daddy was here......good see the little guy.....guess first day of school wiped him out...don't blame the kiddo....


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Morning everyone......hope everything is cool in your worlds....

woke up 80F feels like 86F cause of the RH, and yes we are heading toward the nice a cool temp of 101F today........funky thing is as i sit and watch the news....we might get rain.....course i look outside and not one cloud...not one....smh.....we'll see

coffee is up and hot.....creamer is out, and the sugar....and for those wonderful people....the helmut. big cheif pencel, and the large ruler line pad is out...:bigjoint:

had a wonderful evening watching my grandson sleep on the couch last night, course the step daughter was over, dropping me off a gift <wink>and the the baby daddy was here......good see the little guy.....guess first day of school wiped him out...don't blame the kiddo....
Only 106 here so far stay cool as you can.