Vert(600+400) 5 plant, from Ukraine with love

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Please try to stay on point.
There is an entire sub-forum dedicated to politics, please keep that convo there.

Thank you.
I don't understand you Roll It Up ??? Millions of people in your country are in jail for marijuana, and you will allow yourself to cover up for those who support your power in any form! I live in fear that the police will come for me tomorrow .... millions of people are in jail for marijuana, and you support the existing regime? Who do you work for ?! On the CIA?)))) Everyone understands perfectly well that they complained about me for being invited in those two topics to express my opinion !! I have expressed! So what? Where is your democracy? Where is that which is called democracy? No need to warn me !!! I have already been warned more than once in Russia !!! I thought that here you can say what I want and what I think is necessary! And you are warning me! I have never carried any evil anywhere, all my thoughts are pure !! Who will blame me ?? You? Or that stupid guy you're covering ?!

Roll It Up - don't be bored !!

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Please keep politics in that forum - and feel free to post away in there if you like.
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This is not up for discussion.
Please keep politics in that forum - and feel free to post away in there if you like.
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Bro, I'm a sociopath, rules are alien to me! If you want to perceive me like this, take it, if not, delete it! In Russia, I was removed in this way from two forums - really.)))

Your security service is not working well, you did not notice that in my topic I am already writing what you warned me for, for 4 years. Why are you just now warning me ?! Is it Biden or the coronavirus ?! I promise not to write about Biden and the coronavirus again!

PS I never carried evil in my posts !!!
Bro, I'm a sociopath, rules are alien to me! If you want to perceive me like this, take it, if not, delete it! In Russia, I was removed in this way from two forums - really.)))

Your security service is not working well, you did not notice that in my topic I am already writing what you warned me for, for 4 years. Why are you just now warning me ?! Is it Biden or the coronavirus ?! I promise not to write about Biden and the coronavirus again!

PS I never carried evil in my posts !!!

a. We have rules, I have pointed them out - please follow them like all other members are supposed to.
b. I am not "warning" you, I am simply asking that politics discussions be kept there.
c. I do not have a "security service", I addressed your post because it was reported as being off topic by someone.

Thank you.
Mad respect for even considering growing over there.
Wife is from that part of the world.
Happy growing.
Hi Bro!

Yes, you are right, there are a lot of Ukrainians in Canada, if you consider the place in America where you could emigrate, then Canada is the best place. Plus, the climate in Canada is similar to that here.

But this is not for me.))) Since the bankruptcy of my enterprise, I owe the state $ 20,000. Until the moment I repay the debt, I will never be released abroad, even to Russia. I am a hostage of the situation.)) I will not be able to repay the debt, because in the conditions of today's Ukraine, I will not earn such an amount. I hired a lawyer, but not in order to win the process from the state - I have no chance of that, but in order to play for time, drag out the trial for years. This is so that bailiffs do not come to me. Because without a court decision, they have no right to come.

Yes, it is very dangerous to grow marijuana in Ukraine, it is illegal, but it is not so bad here yet .. I have a friend. In his country, hemp seeds are jailed. He also has a Ukrainian wife, he can buy seeds only when he comes to Ukraine to stay.
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i don"t know what the hang-up is but i got one of the emails you must forgive me i only type using one or two fingers.sent p-email your way.
My Friend, thank you from the bottom of my heart!!!!!

You understand what I am writing because you have a very large life experience! Thank you for supporting me! Sorry, you asked not to write this to the whole world, but I still want to show .. to the whole world what real people really are! You are a real person, so I shake your hand tightly!!!

Thanks again for the correct understanding!!!

Best regards, Dmitry!
I just want to say I am Impressed with your grow and I am New to the Forums and late so I read the 1st 3 pages and

Nice work...Courageous Grow my friend. I pray your debt is paid clear Early so you can sit back and Just Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor
I just want to say I am Impressed with your grow and I am New to the Forums and late so I read the 1st 3 pages and

Nice work...Courageous Grow my friend. I pray your debt is paid clear Early so you can sit back and Just Enjoy the Fruits of Your Labor
Thank you, Bro, for the kind words!

As for debts, I have already resigned myself to this for a long time and I treat this philosophically .... it means that it is necessary for those in heaven to know better than me .. what is better for me.)) Besides, lately my life took on new meaning. I have devoted all of myself now to my son, who managed to leave the country and enter the University in Portugal. I am happy now that my son will not repeat my life, and will not repeat my mistakes in life, he now has every chance to be a happy person, and most importantly, everything is in his hands, and he can build his own life, as he wants it!

It's ok guys, THANKS you !!!

I still have not found 1 email still and dont understand that one yet!
It's okay, Bro, no second letter needed!
This is what my wife is growing now, I don't have time for my own garden. The Russians say: a shoemaker without boots.)))

The temperature is very high - about 30 Celcius. Fertilizers Plagron. Mars Hydro is working at full capacity.



Preparation of "fishing rods" for SDU "Pegas-М"

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Ahhhh Yeah...The whole family is in...NICE!

I'm the same way. I have made so many mistakes. I am growing and showing my son how to grow also. I am praying he doesn't make the same mistakes I have as well. I tell him, I'm not trying to be a pest but I have made terrible mistakes and I don't want you following my footsteps.

So it's great he is going to University. My son turned 20 this year and I am trying to be patient with his career move and decision making.
Keep up the Great work and God Will Continue to Bless you
We may have encountered the Bad part of Life (the both of us) but it was for a Reason....
I see it as a Reason to direct OUR children so they and their children don't have to go through it
This is what my wife is growing now, I don't have time for my own garden. The Russians say: a shoemaker without boots.)))

The temperature is very high - about 30 Celcius. Fertilizers Plagron. Mars Hydro is working at full capacity.

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Preparation of "fishing rods" for SDU "Pegas-М"

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Your wife grows your plants now, too?

How are you, old friend!
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