What question would you ask Amy Coney Barrett?

on what?

personally I think she's a smoke screen

if she gets the job, she gets the job on her merits

and I would hope she would keep church and state separate if she does
lulz Her "merits" are she's a very right leaning judge and she's the darling of the anti choice movement for a reason. We know what's going on. The justification Trump made for stacking the court is "we won so we can do it".

Republicans are actually stacking the SCOTUS as well as lower courts and all we hear are complaints that Biden won't answer a hypothetical question about if he would stack the SCOTUS. They are actually stacking the courts. So I hope the right are comfortable with Trump's justification for doing so in the event Democrats win in 2020.
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lulz Her "merits" are she's a very right leaning judge and she's the darling of the anti choice movement for a reason. We know what's going on. The justification Trump made for stacking the court is "we won so we can do it".

Republicans are actually stacking the SCOTUS as well as lower courts and all we hear are complaints that Biden won't answer a hypothetical question about if he would stack the SCOTUS. They are actually stacking the courts. So I hope the right are comfortable with Trump's justification for doing so in the event Democrats win in 2020.

You dont seem like you know what you're talking about. Biden wont answer about PACKING the court, which is adding more than 9 justices.

You are conflating that with your own term STACKING which does not change the amount of justices but in fact is just a constitutional process of appointing justices. Obviously you dont agree with the appointments but that doesnt mean you have to choose an intellectually dishonest approach as you have.
Knowing a majority of americans supported your confirmation, did that make you more focused during your hearings up until your actual confirmation moments ago?
You dont seem like you know what you're talking about. Biden wont answer about PACKING the court, which is adding more than 9 justices.

You are conflating that with your own term STACKING which does not change the amount of justices but in fact is just a constitutional process of appointing justices. Obviously you dont agree with the appointments but that doesnt mean you have to choose an intellectually dishonest approach as you have.
Do you actually believe the things you say or are you just parroting what Dear Leader wants you to say?

Trump stuffed a bunch of unqualified judges down our throats after Mitch stopped Obama's ability to appoint them to the open seats during his presidency. After Mitch and the Republicans in senate decided that they had the power to change the number of judges on benches like the SCOTUS for years.

I think bi-partisan groups studying this issue on how to fix Trump's appointing these obvious trolls is a good way to go about figuring out how to decontaminate our judicial branch.
Do you actually believe the things you say or are you just parroting what Dear Leader wants you to say?

Trump stuffed a bunch of unqualified judges down our throats after Mitch stopped Obama's ability to appoint them to the open seats during his presidency. After Mitch and the Republicans in senate decided that they had the power to change the number of judges on benches like the SCOTUS for years.

I think bi-partisan groups studying this issue on how to fix Trump's appointing these obvious trolls is a good way to go about figuring out how to decontaminate our judicial branch.
Dems try to pack the courts.
Pubs sue.
Argument goes to Supreme Court.
SC rules no in a 6-3 decision.
LOLS all around the country.
I know only senators get to ask the damn questions.

If it were up to me, a few common people would get to ask questions for 5 minutes. Being that it's supposedly a representative democracy and all.

I wouldn't mind seeing a couple reporters get 5 minutes either.

I'd like to know:

What are your feelings about Merrick Garland? Was he treated fairly?

From a non legal standpoint, do you think the ACA is a good thing or a bad thing and why?

Is the constitution outdated? If you were helping to write it today, what should be in it that is not in the original?

Would you still love all of your daughters if one of them was gay or had an abortion?

If you truly believe associate justices are non partisan, how do you explain so many 5-4 decisions along party lines?

Were Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Antonin Scalia of equal value and who did more to get you where you are today?

Do you think the 1971 Muhammad Ali case would be unanimous today as it was then?

Who does your hair?

My time has expired, I probably didn't get any direct answers either.

Schuylaar's question for ACB.

Q: why do you think the adoption of minority children will help get you into heaven or convince others you are not racist?

everyone knows that's what the wealthy do when they feel guilty or live a questionable life- minority children are certainly a conversation starter and an accessory to carry on your arm like a Louis Vuitton bag, minimally.
"When trump wins… do I have to wait until he's inaugurated? Or can I start grabbing your pussy as soon as the results are counted?"