Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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Who knows??? Tracking device maybe...
EDIT: the post above was a joke, my overreaction is unedited below.

You’re typing on the most advanced tracking device imagineable. What would the motivation possibly be to do anything with this vaccine other than what they claim it does? Keep in mind that multiple independent bodies are studying it or have done so, often simultaneously, in several countries. There are very strict controls on manufacture and transportation of medicines in most countries. You are either unaware of this or maybe willfully and irrationally reacting with paranoia? You tell me why you think it isn’t what they say it is, because from what I know about pharmaceutical controls related to my experience building and supporting software for large pharmacy chains and working on public safety control systems at a medical device manifacturer, that’s very...very unlikely.
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You’re typing on the most advanced tracking device imagineable. What would the motivation possibly be to do anything with this vaccine other than what they claim it does? Keep in mind that multiple independent bodies are studying it or have done so, often simultaneously, in several countries. There are very strict controls on manufacture and transportation of medicines in most countries. You are either unaware of this or maybe willfully and irrationally reacting with paranoia? You tell me why you think it isn’t what they say it is, because from what I know about pharmaceutical controls related to my experience building and supporting software for large pharmacy chains and working on public safety control systems at a medical device manifacturer, that’s very...very unlikely.
That could have gotten ugly
I know you and I have communicated before and we got along fine, so I was a bit surprised. After losing most of my family to Trumpism I am skittish. Sorry, man. I respect your anti-government stance even though I disagree with it. I know lots of anti-state folks and anarchists and some are my close friends. We don’t have to agree on everything to get along.
Also read what happened when they rushed the Zika virus vaccine in 3 years.


I'm all for a safe and effective vaccine, I just know that to make it safe it takes a long time.
This isn't the zika vaccine, it's an mRNA vaccine, perhaps you should find out how it actually works? Also the progress in biology and genetic technology has improved vastly in the past decade, indeed it is a fast moving field where progress in understanding happens weekly. It is a global enterprise involving millions of scientists from a variety of subspecialties all connected by the internet, so progress is very fast. The trial times for vaccines has been shortened in general and will continue to, especially for the mRNA vaccines, since most future vaccines will be based on this technology. They hit it out of the ball park with this vaccine in terms of efficacy and safety and will continue to do so with future ones.

An mRNA strand can only produce the protein it is programed for and nothing else, the strand is encapsulated in a stabilizing fat bubble and is absorbed into muscle tissue where it uses the cells resources to assemble the spike protein your immune system becomes trained to recognize. Your genetic code is read in triplet chucks and transcribed into mRNA that leaves the cell nucleus and assembles the proteins you need to survive every second of every day you are alive. Your DNA is not just a copy of you, it is a biochemical database your cells use all the time and mRNA is how that database is read, mRNA creates proteins from a combination of 20 some amino acids floating around in your cells cytoplasm using ribosomes to do the assembly in a process called translation.

You don't take the vaccine just for yourself, you take it to protect others too, it might require caring about them to take the risk, minimal though it might be. Trudeau will roll up his sleeve on national TV as will all other government officials, if a politician has the guts to do it, so do I, since I consider my self to be a better human being than many of them.
Complicated question maybe but let's not make it too difficult.

Assume that you trust the science and clinical trials.

The Corona Virus vaccine is here - are you taking it?

the question should be: with everything you've read, direct statements from our leaders quoted daily, how confident do you feel taking the vaccine?

for Gods sakes they don't even want to give us $1200 for the job they took away so we can pay rent.

sick fvcks..the very same Bill that was greased through Congress sits with the exact same people saying 'no we won't help the american people merry fvcking chritmas, now..why do you think that is?

wouldn't you agree we have two countries?

cain 2.gif

white people get Regeneron..blacks- you're on your own..bet you they want to give the vaccine to black populace first..just in case there's any unfortunate circumstances.
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