Foxfarm Big Bloom for flowering ONLY


Active Member
i have posted this before n got the response i was not looking for.. i need to know if i can use ff big bloom ONLY when i flower in about 2 weeks?

plz let me know or if i need something else:confused: i really didnt wanna buy anything else for flowering. but what about Miracle Grow for flowering anyone ever try that b4:confused:

any help would be appreciated, thx..


Well-Known Member
i use big bloom and tiger bloom in mg soil with a mixture of others on my frist grow. If ur gonna just buy 1 id say get tiger bloom


Active Member
i use big bloom and tiger bloom in mg soil with a mixture of others on my frist grow. If ur gonna just buy 1 id say get tiger bloom
so ur sayin that i cant use ff big bloom alone for flowering, i thought thats what is was for.. guess i was wrong..:hump: