my plant is retarded. tranny


Active Member
two haze plants 4 ft tall, two weeks into flowering one week into flowering one of my plants decides it wants to become a male. chopped it up that day, another week into flowering my last plant that is budding at the top is growing sacs and releasing pollen. wtf did i do wrong lol any ideas?



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
two haze plants 4 ft tall, two weeks into flowering one week into flowering one of my plants decides it wants to become a male. chopped it up that day, another week into flowering my last plant that is budding at the top is growing sacs and releasing pollen. wtf did i do wrong lol any ideas?
sounds like hermies to me.. do you have any light leaks when lights are off.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Hermie...Throw it out.......
i have i think two hermies and i keep um.i had one last go around and had a few seeds maybe 20 or so. nice seeds and nice tasty buds... they never effected my other girls...