new growth looks weak


Active Member
ok so my girls i think are lacking something in the diet. The new growth seems to be weak and the leaves are kind of skinny especially on the indis. there looking so good but there growth seems to have slowed down?


Active Member
ok so my girls i think are lacking something in the diet. The new growth seems to be weak and the leaves are kind of skinny especially on the indis. there looking so good but there growth seems to have slowed down?
woops sorry i forgot to add pics lol



Active Member
why does every one just look and dont reply lol. I got the pics up. there under 600 wat 24 hr a day mh. 18 in away from girls. there feedings are @ 900 ppm right now there 2 months old


Well-Known Member
my guess is people arent replying cuz the plants look fine. if anything it may be a touch nit. deficient


Well-Known Member
why does every one just look and dont reply lol. I got the pics up. there under 600 wat 24 hr a day mh. 18 in away from girls. there feedings are @ 900 ppm right now there 2 months old

Or maybe it's because you say that like someone owes it to you or something.


Plants look good man. I wouldn't do anything to them. maybe mist them with water.


Active Member
Plants look good man. I wouldn't do anything to them. maybe mist them with water.
why are the indicas so much more bigger!!! both are like 4 inches bigger then all the sats but the sats look beautiful.. they got purple in there genetics :)


Active Member
oh also they were in 3 gal. pots for 10 days and the roots shot out the bottom so fast!! i got 15 gallon now!


Well-Known Member
Nope pot smoking in the grow room won't hurt your plants. Your plants look good....for the weak skinny new growth give a shot of veg nutes. They are ready for their flower cycle, when do you plan on switching them over?


Active Member
another thing i noticed today was under some stems there were like bumps wtf is that?