a little respect for each other


Well-Known Member
when i first joined riu it seemed like there wasn't as many hateful replys in threads. if you don't have anything positive to add why take the time to type it?

and to the folks throwing around growing advice that haven't tried the method yourself, please have a refernce you can send us to.:peace:

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
when i first joined riu it seemed like there wasn't as many hateful replys in threads. if you don't have anything positive to add why take the time to type it?

and to the folks throwing around growing advice that haven't tried the method yourself, please have a refernce you can send us to.:peace:
well to be quite fair, the amount of plain dumb as pointless threads being made, one after another, all on the same topic, is absurd. i mean how many threads about police helicopters or IP adresses do you feel like reading. if it was me, i'd kick people from the forum for laziness, i don't see why i should spend time typing out a correct, wordy explanantio to something, when all it would have taken was 2 seconds of their own time, newbie or not. for exmaple today i responded to a thread asking for the difference between a male and a female, and offering me REP for it, now i found a picture to answer the question within 2 seconds using the super dooper coplex phrase of "marijuana male or female"

people keep talking about snooty angry replies of little use showing the forum down, well i think that a page of "how much will i yield" threads tends to make it look a lot worse than the replies in the threads.

as to people just randomly giving advice, it is a big one, as people know, a lot of advice is taken alongside the post count of the user. i don't have a high post count, so if i'm gonna offer advice that might directly effect a plant (for example should i use an HPS from seed or not) then i will try and get a picture of my plants to show why i'm suggesting it (my plants are healthy, so that's kinda my reference for advice at present :P)

there is sometimes some over-hating though, but not that often.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
fucking bravo Kevin thank you ,, I 'll stand up with Kevin and take a stand here , lets stop the hate , and misinformation


Well-Known Member
when i first joined riu it seemed like there wasn't as many hateful replys in threads. if you don't have anything positive to add why take the time to type it?

and to the folks throwing around growing advice that haven't tried the method yourself, please have a refernce you can send us to.:peace:
i agree with you..i try not to say nothin to noboby out of the way
but sometimes its hard not to when they are just talkin off the wall crazy ass shit..
but out of over probaly 150,000 members theirs gonna be someone whos is just a complete ass hole..
but i wont say much back to them..i`ll just give them some of this...

im funkin :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: right now...:lol::lol:......:peace:


Well-Known Member
were here to help each other out, not put each other down

its easy for people over the internet to forget that the person on the other side of a post is human, and deserves respect. instead they are insensitive to the fact that everyone has feelings and a right to speak their mind

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i agree with you..i try not to say nothin to noboby out of the way
but sometimes its hard not to when they are just talkin off the wall crazy ass shit..
but out of over probaly 150,000 members theirs gonna be someone whos is just a complete ass hole..
but i wont say much back to them..i`ll just give them some of this...

im funkin :eyesmoke::eyesmoke: right now...:lol::lol:......:peace:
gotten you posted some crazy beat up my bitch shit ... please


Well-Known Member
when i first joined riu it seemed like there wasn't as many hateful replys in threads. if you don't have anything positive to add why take the time to type it?

and to the folks throwing around growing advice that haven't tried the method yourself, please have a refernce you can send us to.:peace:
Well If all the damn noobs would take the time to read the rules and also search for an answer before asking the same question for the hundredth time members would not be as annoyed. Then you have a noob with a thread that was never replied to and he gets all pissed and starts talking shit because no one helps.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Well If all the damn noobs would take the time to read the rules and also search for an answer before asking the same question for the hundredth time members would not be as annoyed. Then you have a noob with a thread that was never replied to and he gets all pissed and starts talking shit because no one helps.
exactly! it's lose lose lose. you either act with manners, reply to the lazy tw@t and he'll then jsut ask question after question after question. if you don't reply, he get's pissy as anything and starts dissing the site etc, and if you tell him to go do some work himself for once, the rest of the comunity seems to get pissy :D

i was a newbie, i can say that, but i didn't get to the stage where i can offer advice by having to ask loads and loads of pointless questions that are everywhere, i figured hey, i want to grow some decent green, i'd like to do this right, well i got on the search, into the newbie section (granted asked some dumb ass questions) and read, i read for a month before i even bought anything, and i've been reading every day since. if you're gonna get lots of bud, through my months of reading, then you can ship me some before i offer you my advice. it's give and take, i'll only help you so much before i get annoyed with you. (as an example, my ex-flat mate, he wants to grow, i know enough to talk rings arund him, i helped him with any and every question i could, as such he NEVER read anything or tried to learn, and he's now under the impression that i'm building his grow cab free of charge nextw eekend... uhhhhuh)


Well-Known Member
if the noobs would just read the sticky "welcome new members" and do their homeworks there would be half as many stupid questions and 1/4 of the annoyed veteran growers