smoking just a little bit of weed in the morning makes for a great day...


Active Member
I used to be a heavy smoker and now, just recently, I am learning that maybe 3-4 hits in the morning makes me high for like an hour - it also leaves me with a nice relaxed feeling all day long. It also has been saving me a whole lot of money.


hmm orangebud, i've never tried that. How well does it work? +rep for the idea.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I agree! its kinda funny how we smoke so much herb, and really sometimes just a little hit in the a.m. gets you so much more high than like 10 bingers at night.... Jason King describes this phenomina in Cannabible 3....


Well-Known Member
I totally agree.

I am amazed by the quantities that people smoke on here. 1 Snapper in the morning can last me all day; not cause I am a lightweight - but because I enjoy the whole high. That peace-full serenity that comes after the high wears off is better than being high. You experience all of the enhancements of being high without the "sillyness / impairment" of being high. I like going to concerts while on the back end because it is so enjoyable

I don't particularly enjoy getting stoned because you miss that back end.


I totally agree.

I am amazed by the quantities that people smoke on here. 1 Snapper in the morning can last me all day; not cause I am a lightweight - but because I enjoy the whole high. That peace-full serenity that comes after the high wears off is better than being high. You experience all of the enhancements of being high without the "sillyness / impairment" of being high. I like going to concerts while on the back end because it is so enjoyable

I don't particularly enjoy getting stoned because you miss that back end.
Damn, I never knew any of this shit.

And to think, i've been trying to find a way to save ganj and money.


Active Member
I totally agree.

I am amazed by the quantities that people smoke on here. 1 Snapper in the morning can last me all day; not cause I am a lightweight - but because I enjoy the whole high. That peace-full serenity that comes after the high wears off is better than being high. You experience all of the enhancements of being high without the "sillyness / impairment" of being high. I like going to concerts while on the back end because it is so enjoyable

I don't particularly enjoy getting stoned because you miss that back end.
I didn't think of it that way, but your right. It's not so much being high all day and is a rather serene feeling. It's like you get a slight high after smoking and when it wears out the rest of the day just goes by nice and easy. Things are just really calm.

The only problem I have with it is fight my urge to keep smoking more and more. Not being able to grow I don't have the cash for all day smoking sessions right now.


I didn't think of it that way, but your right. It's not so much being high all day and is a rather serene feeling. It's like you get a slight high after smoking and when it wears out the rest of the day just goes by nice and easy. Things are just really calm.

The only problem I have with it is fight my urge to keep smoking more and more. Not being able to grow I don't have the cash for all day smoking sessions right now.
Same here. i dont do much during the day (stay at home dad, however pussyfied it sounds) and it's hard to fight the urge to just smoke whenever I feel like it, but I think that this will help.


Just one question about this-

What about the burnout feeling? When I would wake and bake that's exactly what would happen, not as much peaceful and chilled as just tired and burnt-out feeling. How do I avoid that? Just dont smoke as much?


Active Member
I'm gunna say this all depends on the strain. Some strains you're gunna burn out like a motherfucker and be tired as shit no matter what.


Good point dazed, indica strains would probably produce more of a burnout, where sativa would probably be way more mellow.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree.

I am amazed by the quantities that people smoke on here. 1 Snapper in the morning can last me all day; not cause I am a lightweight - but because I enjoy the whole high. That peace-full serenity that comes after the high wears off is better than being high. You experience all of the enhancements of being high without the "sillyness / impairment" of being high. I like going to concerts while on the back end because it is so enjoyable

I don't particularly enjoy getting stoned because you miss that back end.
You don't miss it, it's just less enjoyable in contrast with a less stony comedown.

I know exactly what you mean OrangeBud. Sometimes I'll wake up an extra half hour early to toke up and get an early start. By the time I have to do anything in public, I'm still at peace in the mind but feel that I can actually function during school (2 hours later after i toke)


Well-Known Member
I totally agree.

I am amazed by the quantities that people smoke on here. 1 Snapper in the morning can last me all day; not cause I am a lightweight - but because I enjoy the whole high. That peace-full serenity that comes after the high wears off is better than being high. You experience all of the enhancements of being high without the "sillyness / impairment" of being high. I like going to concerts while on the back end because it is so enjoyable

I don't particularly enjoy getting stoned because you miss that back end.
You don't miss it, it's just less enjoyable in contrast with a less stony comedown. Actually, I guess you can miss it completely if you get knocked on your ass and pass out.

I know exactly what you mean OrangeBud. Sometimes I'll wake up an extra half hour early to toke up and get an early start. By the time I have to do anything in public, I'm still at peace in the mind but feel that I can actually function during school (2 hours later after i toke)

Straight up G

New Member
I smoked just a small amount today then went out to get a half ounce on the way back I went the back way so I didn't run into any LEO's, it was completly undriveable all the roads were just pure snow, I went down a hill and there was a Mercedes sideways just stopped totally blocking the road, back was touching a barb wire fence.., so anyways I get out of the car and me and my friend smoked a little bit of the new weed behind the car [stranded guy couldn't see us just cos of my headlights] then went over to the guy who was a Nigerian chauffeur he was calling recovery so I said "dude theres no way your gonna get those guys out here in these crazy pure snow roads its madness here"

I then tried to reverse back up the hill just on the bite of the clutch and it wouldn't move, no throttle at all just clutch and it just sat there spinning, then I said to the guy look let me and my friend move your car a little so I can get past and get us all out of here, so we pushed his car a little and I got past then they walked behind me for over a mile [as the more weight in the car the more dangerous it would be] and so I was driving through this pure snow and then got to a downhill section and stopped got out and looked down it nervously and then saw they had caught up with me so I got back in the car and began to go down the hill..


I always wake n bake.. and most of the time it leaves me with that calm relaxed feeling throughout the day, as you guys mentioned, but it does depend on the strain. Depending on what kind of weed I'm smoking, sometimes I feel like taking a nap mid-afternoon (cause I feel kinda tired/ burnt-out) and other times I feel great and very relaxed the whole day but without the burnout feeling.. but either way I LOVE to wake n bake daily :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
I didn't think of it that way, but your right. It's not so much being high all day and is a rather serene feeling. It's like you get a slight high after smoking and when it wears out the rest of the day just goes by nice and easy. Things are just really calm.
That is what I am talking about.


Active Member
I always wake n bake.. and most of the time it leaves me with that calm relaxed feeling throughout the day, as you guys mentioned, but it does depend on the strain. Depending on what kind of weed I'm smoking, sometimes I feel like taking a nap mid-afternoon (cause I feel kinda tired/ burnt-out) and other times I feel great and very relaxed the whole day but without the burnout feeling.. but either way I LOVE to wake n bake daily :eyesmoke:
u sound awesome :grin: