Another AG attempt, 3rd times a charm i hope!


so here goes, just about under a week into it here and all is well. this is the first time ive had the success of germinating and growing 2 simultaneously. past 2 attempts all of my seedlings had gotten soggy and died :( leaving me with one that i successful grew into a big old male, so ugly.

first attempt had small air pump from walmart and one 5" bubblerock along with stock AG bubbles, just been using nute tabs included in the starter kit, and 8-14 different kelvin cfl's at different times.
next try was same results, male....
this time i've got my hands on a newer bigger air pump with 2 ports instead of 1, as well as supposed, "feminized" seeds from a good friend who is trustworthy. same lights but this time with a fan to keep em cool and blow around a lil

so i germinated 3 in paper towels and 2 sprouted about 2 inches or so. what i then did was cut the AG sponges down the one side like a hot dog bun. placed the root down in there and dropped em down into the baskets. i also, just for kicks, tossed a 3rd basket down in the water in another hole with some cotton ball in to act as medium and see how it would react. after 7 days the cotton was still clean and white, and appears to be suitable alternative as a medium, will try next go ;)
just over a week old, kept veg lights real close for 4 days or so, just raised up gradually over the past few days here.

Thank you for dropping by, i will try to update weekly. i more than appreciate ALL input and or questions please! this site has taught me so much over the past years and i want to thank every knowledgeable person in here for taking time to create this great resource.



the big ugly yellow thing is my first attempt to make sure i could stick with this and sustain life. the next pics there is my second attempt at growing a male lol... so now ive got these little thick bitches also pic of air pump and lil baby pics from a few days ago..



Well-Known Member
so here goes, just about under a week into it here and all is well. this is the first time ive had the success of germinating and growing 2 simultaneously. past 2 attempts all of my seedlings had gotten soggy and died :( leaving me with one that i successful grew into a big old male, so ugly.

first attempt had small air pump from walmart and one 5" bubblerock along with stock AG bubbles, just been using nute tabs included in the starter kit, and 8-14 different kelvin cfl's at different times.
next try was same results, male....
this time i've got my hands on a newer bigger air pump with 2 ports instead of 1, as well as supposed, "feminized" seeds from a good friend who is trustworthy. same lights but this time with a fan to keep em cool and blow around a lil

so i germinated 3 in paper towels and 2 sprouted about 2 inches or so. what i then did was cut the AG sponges down the one side like a hot dog bun. placed the root down in there and dropped em down into the baskets. i also, just for kicks, tossed a 3rd basket down in the water in another hole with some cotton ball in to act as medium and see how it would react. after 7 days the cotton was still clean and white, and appears to be suitable alternative as a medium, will try next go ;)
just over a week old, kept veg lights real close for 4 days or so, just raised up gradually over the past few days here.

Thank you for dropping by, i will try to update weekly. i more than appreciate ALL input and or questions please! this site has taught me so much over the past years and i want to thank every knowledgeable person in here for taking time to create this great resource.
I'd like to start by asking you why you germinated your seeds like you did? I had too many problems germinating them that way and started planting them in the growing medium they're going to live in and had no problems since.
I would like some more information on using the cotton balls as I have run out of planting medium on a couple of occasions and that could be an alternative. One things i noticed while using cotton balls to germinate citrus seeds is that they dry out real fat and get moldy also.


Well-Known Member
I use the rockwool starter cylinder shape things. I cut them in half lengthwise and they are perfect. I've also never germinated using towel method or anything else. As long as you place the seed correctly so that the tap root grows down and the grow medium stays plenty moist, thats all you need. 100% germination rate for me. If you think about it, cannabis doesn't use any special methods in the wild, seeds drop and then it rains.


the cotton i have not confirmed yet for a full life cycle of a plant, however i left it half in the water and half out with no seed or anything in it and it stayed together and appeared to be sufficient. and i understand the natural germination or whathave you, but i prefer to see how long the tap root is before i set it in my medium, and the paper towels, if you fold it over and place it in a CD or DVD case that stacks horizontally the taproot will grow straight down due to gravity, insstead of like in a book or under a matress or something lol.. will update with pics this weeknd, the twins have gotten big.


so finally update, here sorry been so long, works been crazy... had enough time to fab up my own bubble setup to accompany my lil AG, lol. but anyways for the time being here are my 2, in the AG, bout 3 weeks old, just started givin small amount of nutes, topped i think monday it was. they seem to b recovering nicely... however the one on the right i accidentally cut a limb when topping right above the second node, so she got 3 mains instead of 4 mains, which u can c a nice example on the left. thanks to UB's topping method learned here! along with shload of more info...
first pic was right before i topped them i believe... mightve been last weekend i took it, so perhaps a day or 2 before choppin.. enjoy, please tell me what u think!? all comments welcome



Well-Known Member
I would change the water at least every 2 weeks
I would get a few 2700 cfl's for side lighting, your lights are not for flowing
I'd flip them 12/12 now if you haven't already as they will triple in size.

I learned this the hard way on my areogarden, they look good


hey, thanks for the tips. ive been 12/12 for 8 or so days now, i lose track of days lol? idk looked nice for a bit, now i think im seeing nuts, any advice? have today switchd lights to a surge strip on either side with 6 cfls each. the top is just how i veg. idk maybe its my luck or shitty seeds lol if i get males here ima be upset lol. any advice would be great! thank you, also recently recieved superthrive in the mail recently to replace my AG nute tabs.. again thanks to all here. i check ph daily, just maybe sometimes work too much or get lazy and forget to change res water... would that be mainly why balls keep poppin up every thing i grow in this thing? to me the little quad there looks ver promising, tall twins are pretty suspect tho, or maybe im just paranoid its gonna be male, i do see hairs at different points through the tall stems, just see few balls here and there, please advise..




well. the tall guy with 2 an half main stems was def a male... removed yesterday. little quad is looking gorgeous! white hairs everywhere i look no signs of balls :) been close to 2 weeks i believe on 12/12, just using fresh h2o and tiny bit of superthrive to flush.
