Somebody help me



Here are the pics of my first bagseed grow box. I have about 240 total watts of cfl but I am experiencing super slow growth. The plants are only a couple of inches away from the lights and the temperature and humidity stay within the "good' ranges everyone says you should have. I am using jungle grow soil and watering with distilled water. Any ideas as to why its going so slow? PLEASE HELP​


tn1.jpgtn.jpgI germinated the seeds with good, long tap roots. Here are pics of the plants they are all at least two weeks old.


Active Member
Dude... How tall is that box and what are it's dimensions? You don't plan on rocking that box through the whole grow do you?


New Member
Which type of jungle grow....there are like 5 different types. If you used Flower and Veg or fried them.


Thanks I used jungle grow water wise. I take the temp and hum. and they aren't getting too hot. Any other suggestions on soil? I don't think anywhere around me has fox farms that everyone raves about. I thought I had a pretty good setup and yes I was going to use it for the whole grow. I've seen people do much better their first time in far worse set ups. The box is 3 feet high 2 feet wide and 2.5 feet deep. Should I build a reflective hood??


Active Member
ok, make sure you take the plastic bags off the cups if you have not already done so and make sure you are not over-watering. Those CFL's are adequate but they are never going to have the growth rate of a HID. I would get them as close to lights as possible and what is your pH? You said you use distilled water... Distilled water can be trouble no matter what anyone else has told you. Perfect distilled water has a completely neutral pH, but this is very hard to achieve in practice. In reality distilled water is usually always slightly acidic, from 5.5 to 6.5ish... This is because the water absorbs carbon dioxide from the air as it sits on the shelf at the grocery store or whatever. 5.5 - 6.5 range is not ideal while growing in soil and you want to shoot for 6.5 -7 those of you using distilled BE CAREFUL and check your pH especially while adding anything to it! Since your so "fly" you are obviously checking your pH and runoff right?


No, I'm not thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. I'm gonna keep trying until I get it right. I know I can't expect awesome result but I don't want to invest too much until I know what the hell I'm doing. Any advice as to what I should do now? I am going to get a ph meter today and check the soil. Is there anything I can do now?


Thanks for the answer but what can I do about it. I know the setup will work, I pretty much copied it from what I've seen done on here. I read a post that the soil i used fried them and I'm getting a ph meter today. I've seen people with far worse setups do much better and I want to be successful.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
my best advice would be to click on all of riddleme's threads and subscribe to them all and start reading, it's what i did not knowing anything apart from the basics of photosynthesis and luckily it clicked into place very fast as i already had 5 plants on the go. another great to look out for and to subscribe to is uncle ben his threads are always jammed full of great info aswell!!!! between these 2 great growers you will learn just about everything you'll need know on the subject. between the pair of them you'll be reading for a few days (wks) but the info these guys supply will last a lifetime i highly recommend you take these guys as teachers mate

thankyou both riddleme and uncle ben from a silent student


Well-Known Member
my best advice would be to click on all of riddleme's threads and subscribe to them all and start reading, it's what i did not knowing anything apart from the basics of photosynthesis and luckily it clicked into place very fast as i already had 5 plants on the go. another great to look out for and to subscribe to is uncle ben his threads are always jammed full of great info aswell!!!! between these 2 great growers you will learn just about everything you'll need know on the subject. between the pair of them you'll be reading for a few days (wks) but the info these guys supply will last a lifetime i highly recommend you take these guys as teachers mate

thankyou both riddleme and uncle ben from a silent student
Damn a lurker comes out of the closet, quit lurkin and come join the conversations

oh and your very welcome!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Damn a lurker comes out of the closet, quit lurkin and come join the conversations

oh and your very welcome!
i will do mate, it's time to start re-reading all your threads for me, everything's been going well with plenty of little experiments but i think it's time for a solid re fresh now that i have a much better base knowledge to work off. back to school then teach lol


Well-Known Member
happy to hear it is going well, seems everyone that takes the time to read my threads gets their grow on :)


Well-Known Member
Looks overwatered to me also . I remove humidity dome after they sprout (the baggies) . Like mentioned above your lights arent doing much that far away.They should be alot closer cfl light diminishes in a short distance .Mabey go poke around the cfl section and pic up some info there . I also notice it looks like your light sockets are supported by the top of the box ? If so NO NO fire hazard man cfls get hot and u have an ignition source sitting right on them ! What you can do to make it safe and be able to raise lower your lights is remove what u got install a broomstick or something similar through the box then you have something to hang from get another broomstick shorter than the width of your box and hang it from the upper on I used clamp on sockets clamped to the lower one .No fire hazard and fully functionial for height adjustment .