Mighty Midwest Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
It's gonna be a while....got the new job....on call every other week...and he is super pissed at me I think....I told him exactly what I thought about his relationship and he didn't take it very well...IDK...whatever....anyway....def. going over 4ozs on this one for sure....hoping...fingers crossed,,,for 5+.....been backing off on the nutes but I wish I would of went another water with strong nutes....she is sucking up the N like crazy and starting to yellow way too soon...maybe not tho....probably like 3 more weeks or so and I'll chop...so with that being said...been watering every 5 days...I'll probably water with nutes 3 more times(the 22nd,the 27th,the 4th) and then start the flush.....and 5-7 days after the last nuteing I'll give a super flush of like 4-5 gal everyday for 3-4 days....then let em dry out till the weekend and harvest on the weekend of the 18th.....atleast thats kindof the plan I'll stick to....If they start to look like it will be any sooner I will only give 2 more nutings.....IDK...I'm still not smoking yet so it's whatever....not in a big hurry since I'll be harvesting sober....that's gonna suck!!!!!

Edit.....and he still has OG left??????wow.....wish I could save nuggs for 4-6months
Soooo when you gonna be able too smoke then? When things cool down? Summers coming up tanking mothafuckas!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Not sure you will get a lot of help on this thread but I could be wrong sounds like something you gotta look into more but for hydro like your aeroflo, I see this being a sweet experiment and easier.

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
The midwest is happening!

Okay, I am along for the ride. Michigan medical grow here. I grow hempy style. I clone using a combo of fog and bubbleponics in STG medium. From there straight into a 20 oz foam coffee cup with 80% perlite and 20% vermiculite. After the root mass is well established they go into 3# coffee cans and then into 3.75 gallon buckets. These are WW clones beginning week 7 of 10.



Well-Known Member
I appreciate the invite to this thread, I am now subbed.

Check out my current grow in my signature if you want information about me and what's in my garden.

I have successfully completed two grows with a 250watt hps. I began growing in december 2009. I have now upgraded big time and expect to put these 95,000 lumens to good use!

here are some pics of my last harvest, 3 oz dry off my snow white with that 250.



Well-Known Member
Lookin good... should be some fat buds for sure
Man Dropastone That is a Sweet lookin garden
Thanks guys.

Dropastone what is your setup?
I'm growing in a 3X3X8 closet and I'm using a 600 watt HPS with a 530 CFM inline exhaust fan for my air cooled hood and two 60 CFM Hdrofarm blowers for added exhaust when the lights are out. I run them once every hour for 15 min to keep good air circulation going at night

I built what I call an air floor that sits just above my passive air intakes with a 20" box fan that sits in a box frame under the floor to help with air circulation. It helps to pull air from the passive intakes and pushes the fresh air up through the canopy of the plants.

I'm using 2.4 gallon Superoot Air Pots with Fox Farm Ocean forest Soil for my medium.

I'm also using Dyna Gro's full line up of nutes and additives, which is,

  1. Grow 7-9-5 General Purpose Formula
  2. Bloom 3-12-6 Blooming Formula
  3. Mag-Pro 2-15-4 Sulfur & Magnesium Booster
  4. Pro-Tect 0-0-3 The Silicon Solution - Strengthens Plants
  5. K-L-N Concentrate - The Rooting Solution
Here's a little vid that was shot on Jan 29th that shows what I got going on.




Well-Known Member
Thanks guys.

I'm growing in a 3X3X8 closet and I'm using a 600 watt HPS with a 530 CFM inline exhaust fan for my air cooled hood and two 60 CFM Hdrofarm blowers for added exhaust when the lights are out. I run them once every hour for 15 min to keep good air circulation going at night

I built what I call an air floor that sits just above my passive air intakes with a 20" box fan that sits in a box frame under the floor to help with air circulation. It helps to pull air from the passive intakes and pushes the fresh air up through the canopy of the plants.

I'm using 2.4 gallon Superoot Air Pots with Fox Farm Ocean forest Soil for my medium.

I'm also using Dyna Gro's full line up of nutes and additives, which is,

  1. Grow 7-9-5 General Purpose Formula
  2. Bloom 3-12-6 Blooming Formula
  3. Mag-Pro 2-15-4 Sulfur & Magnesium Booster
  4. Pro-Tect 0-0-3 The Silicon Solution - Strengthens Plants
  5. K-L-N Concentrate - The Rooting Solution
Here's a little vid that was shot on Jan 29th that shows what I got going on.


Thats a really cool idea man


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like it and I would to think it has some advantages. With a 3x3 room there's not a lot of space to put a fan in there for proper air circulation, so I came up with the air floor.



Well-Known Member
Allright peeps.....Here is Warlock...getting closer...leaves are really yellowing and some starting to purp!!!She just got her last feed...gonna wait 5 days and give a little flush then probably another flush 4-5 days after that...then let her dry up for a few more days then chop.
Super Frosty!!!! Smells like lemons and berries!!!!

So there she is.....how's she look!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man....this thread kinda died a little bit so trying to boost it up..........come on people.....where's the buds???


Yeah we need to keep this thread rolling, my ladies are only a week into flower so my buds aren't much yet but I'll post some pics tomorrow night