Can you get baked more then once a day?


Active Member
I quit from time to time. I quit drinking. Not one drop of alcohol for 1 week. I quit weed for 2 years once.
Mainly because my job drug tested me, and I worked 2 full time jobs worth of hours, didn't really have time
to smoke. After those 2 years... Got plastered off of mids.
Well 1 month sounds easy then.


New Member
Pardon me as I jack this thread...
I bang this every morning for my neighbors I know they hate me...
OH! Yeah! You can always get higher. Smoke & vape are two different highs, and I always combine the two, just not at once anymore.


New Member
I need a vaporizer.... I have one of those stainless steel chamber bowls.
Had it for over 15 years.

Looks like this

I turned one of those into a vape before. Just need a cap, and a few steel screens! Takes practice, but works bomb! Called it the redneck vape.

Oh yeah, blastin this now!


Active Member
Love this topic, i've realized this immensely.

It takes me .3-.5 to get high the first time (poppers OR 2-3 joints) ... I need a good 1gram + a hour in order to hold this buzz, and even then it's not the same HIGH (uplifting).

Oh, I also noticed that I personally get accustomed to the high and it seems normal.. I'll be ready to toke another one thinkin' im almost sober but i'll stop by the corner store and realize how baked I truly am when I come home with a 2L of coke and a bag of doritoes.


Well-Known Member
i use a volcano and im baked in the morning, baked in the afternoon and im going to be baked in about 10 minutes.......

Green Inferno

Active Member
I turned one of those into a vape before. Just need a cap, and a few steel screens! Takes practice, but works bomb! Called it the redneck vape.

Oh yeah, blastin this now!
I have one of those heat guns used for shrink wrap, maybe I can fashion something together.


Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I'm high allllllllllll day

It's hard for me to stay sober, everywhere I go i'm either eating or smoking weed - trying something new out.


Well-Known Member
Sativa dominant in the day and indica dominant at night. That is how I do it. Also helps if you have multiple strains.


Active Member
Ya multiple strains help me as well. I need a break, but love smoking too much. I'll hit at least 4 snappers to feel good. Then I find myself smoking more 10-20 min later.

I use a lot of concentrates too which don't help.

Just ordered my bubble bags so I can make my own hash. I'm sick of paying out the ass at the dispensary, for low grade crap.

I'm contemplating getting the volcano, it's just so pricey!


New Member
Ya multiple strains help me as well. I need a break, but love smoking too much. I'll hit at least 4 snappers to feel good. Then I find myself smoking more 10-20 min later.

I use a lot of concentrates too which don't help.

Just ordered my bubble bags so I can make my own hash. I'm sick of paying out the ass at the dispensary, for low grade crap.

I'm contemplating getting the volcano, it's just so pricey!
Whip vaporizor is WAY better than a volcano, and a bit cheaper too!

k-k-k-k-kenny! I know we're super cool & everything...but if we EVER catch you cheesing again? We're gonna tell on ya...


It's it's like I'm in the 4th dimension, and someone is asking me to describe hyperbole!


Active Member
I have a vapor tower whip style and don't care for it.

One thing I hate about vaping is the burned popcorn taste I get sometimes. If it's a freshy it tastes great, but hit it again and it tastes like crap.


Well-Known Member
Can you get baked more THAN once a day? Otherwise you are saying, Can you get baked more? Then once a day.....<insert subject, verb, and nouns to complete sentence>

Do you see where I'm going with this?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Cindy in the Am makes for an interesting and pretty stoopid day..forgeting thigns and losing stuff is my new hobby