Plant Sex

its my first grow, plant looks healthy apart front a few heat burns which happened because i didnt move the light higher, but i can still see no signs of sex.

i started off from seed on 24/0, then switched to 12/12. i read some reviews that doing it this way can make the plant take longer to produce sex signs.

its been in 12/12 for a month and no signs yet.



Well-Known Member
its my first grow, plant looks healthy apart front a few heat burns which happened because i didnt move the light higher, but i can still see no signs of sex.

i started off from seed on 24/0, then switched to 12/12. i read some reviews that doing it this way can make the plant take longer to produce sex signs.

its been in 12/12 for a month and no signs yet.

12/12 for a month??? I don't even see any preflowers.... I don't know though that's just me.

Edit: Is it completely dark where the plant is when the lights go off?


Well-Known Member
yeah its been 12/12 for a month, this is why im confused. yeah its completely dark, is that good or bad?
That's good, just keep growing it, i think it'll show eventually. Not sure when you're supposed to start feeding flowering nutes.... But i did it when i switched my lights, do you feed it at all?


Active Member
does not seem to be much light on it, they should have shown sex after about 2 weeks into flower, what size cfls are u using. dont be too afraid to get those lights close, i dont see any sign of sex in the pics. as gmz said it coould be light leeks but a month is a good while not too show sex.


Well-Known Member
havnt started feeding at all yet because the plant looks healthy, what nutes do you suggest? im in the uk
Not sure what's in the uk, but for flowering i use a solvent with npk of 15-30-15, it should say on the container what the npk is. If you do decide to feed it, don't over do it, it might burn. Just slowly introduce it to the plant every other watering, i fed my plant ever 3rd watering.


Well-Known Member
i am using a 100watt at the top and some domestic 15 watts on the sides
Is it a 100 actual watt light bulb? Or does it have an equivalent, and also it looks like that 100w is for vegging, when you flower you should switch light spectrum to 2700k .


Well-Known Member
Go any buy some bloom give it 2ml to 1L and you should see some changes Boi bloom brings on the flowering stage good luck.