Holy fuck! some real shit...


Well-Known Member



Active Member
Fuck me, poor guy, if i were trying to die in peace and some guy kept shouting alah ackbar at me i'd be so pissed off


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure he was lying there very aware of what just happened, no buddy else wants to know the back story? thats what im interested in who shot him and why


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure he was lying there very aware of what just happened, no buddy else wants to know the back story? thats what im interested in who shot him and why
I'm sure he was caught in a crossfire, probably started for religious purposes in the first place. Or they shot him for political/religious reasons, as is with most middle east shootings and bombings.

to me it doesnt look like iraq..maybe israel or Palestine


Well-Known Member
You could have at least put a warning in the title. That's not too much to ask.
did it


but anyway he was on the ground before he got shot in the head. he tried to get up and boom, dropped.


Active Member
went to the guys youtube page and looked at the other videos, some fucked up shit on that page forreal. someone either dead or dying in almost every video.


Well-Known Member


no no no...havnt you learned anything from my possum thread???????

you have to make a huge space in between the video and the warning.....so people cant see the video unless the scroll down....if they scroll down and reply negatively...well you can always fall back on the warning lol


Well-Known Member
I still feel their is no place for it on this website, this is in Toke-N-Talk, who is going to Toke up & want to have a discussion on this video. Their are plenty of websites & forums regarding videos such as this one, luckily this one is not as graphic as most.

El Superbeasto

Active Member
That is not my website, and it was not advertising. This is a thread that started with a death video, I shared a link to where there are other death videos.

I wont delete it.

Reported for advertising and quoted in case you delete it