Rick Perry Seems Mechanical

jeff f

New Member
almost to the point of being a human simulator. i dont think he will get the nod.

plus if you close your eyes, he sounds exactly like bush. scary.

i am really hoping palin gets in. its gonna be an interesting battle if she does.


Well-Known Member
I'm betting he does a crash and burn by the next debate... he's going to have a hard time 'splaining his way out of the HPV vaccine issue.

Here's to hoping that this will also herald an end to his rule in Texas politics as well...


Well-Known Member
he's been in charge of making sure that the most resource rich state, with the best job creation, arguably one of the best economies during the recession in the nation, has a budget deficit.

imagine what he'd be capable of in the face of job losses and a shrinking economy.......


Well-Known Member
he's been in charge of making sure that the most resource rich state, with the best job creation, arguably one of the best economies during the recession in the nation, has a budget deficit.

imagine what he'd be capable of in the face of job losses and a shrinking economy.......

BY the second year we'd all being thinking "We though Obama was bad??"


Well-Known Member
He is a reptilian
You might be right, Reptilians swallow their prey whole right? Check out Dukeanthony's Picture.

Maybe he just sucks a mean dick, Carne and him could get together if it weren't for all the diametrically opposed viewpoints. Still, that expert cock snoodling is probably pretty good, could perhaps make a gay man stay regardless of personality conflicts.

NOTE::: Previous post was all tongue in cheek, no offense is implied!!

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
great hair though.
Is that.... jealousy. :p (TOTALLY kidding)

I think Palin is going to be a last minute Candidate. Her meandering around the country like a lost puppy and that fucking movie has to be a preamble to SOMETHING more substantial than, "Hi ya'll, I'm folksy!"


Well-Known Member
Is that.... jealousy. :p (TOTALLY kidding)

I think Palin is going to be a last minute Candidate. Her meandering around the country like a lost puppy and that fucking movie has to be a preamble to SOMETHING more substantial than, "Hi ya'll, I'm folksy!"
She's a joke, she won't last one debate if she jumps into the fray.

jeff f

New Member
She's a joke, she won't last one debate if she jumps into the fray.
she ate joe bidens lunch in a debate.

but in fairness to biden, a small kindergartner, slightly mentaly challenged, with a noticeable lisp, and adhd could beat up on him.

he literally is the dumbest man to ever hold office.


Well-Known Member
she ate joe bidens lunch in a debate.

but in fairness to biden, a small kindergartner, slightly mentaly challenged, with a noticeable lisp, and adhd could beat up on him.

he literally is the dumbest man to ever hold office.

This made me lol


Well-Known Member
she ate joe biden's lunch in a debate??

i saw that debate, and i'd like to point out that no lunch was being served, that i saw.

and if you are trying to imply that she 'schooled' him, well, no. he just didn't completely destroy her, which for conservative talking heads = VICTORY!!!!!!

mista sativa

Well-Known Member
she has "the fire in the belly". lol, such a joke. Palin is a moron. If she does ending up running she'll get wrecked in the debates. She doesn't know shit she just says catch phrases that she thinks the far would agree with.