Saving money by turning of HPS after 12 hours!!?? but keep lighted for 18.....


Just wondering, I know it would stifle a small amount of growth but to save money, They say your plants only need 6-10 hours of actual sunlight, So what if I kept my (2) 600 watt hps lights on for 10 hours, then shut them down and just left 2 48" flourescents on for the other 8 hours?? they would still get light for 18 hours a day but the electric bill would only be 1/2 what it would be? Just wondering!


Well-Known Member
I think that's a good idea. at ground level the sun produces about 10,000 lumens per square foot, those 600s are probably kicking out around 20 or 30 depending on how close you got them. They dont need all day sun, just enough light to keep them from flowering. To make it more realistic, how about a few hours floros then hps then floros again.


Well-Known Member
light is light. over a small amount will keep your plants from flowering but obviously as you stated you will have reduced growth. i would go with what cruzer said and have a gradual change schedule. maybe turn on 1 600 then after about 4 hrs the other then after 6 trun the first one of and leave the second on then after 8 hrs turn on the floro and after 12 turn off the second 600. some thing like that.


Undercover Mod
That would be perfect to give them just enough light to live. I mean I've seen plants live in the dark for two weeks why even use lights? skip the whole electricity thing