Rubbermaid Grow

hi people. i am new here. i'm getting ready to start my first indoor grow. I've been wanting to grow forever but i always get myself too overwhelmed by all the details and never get started. ventilation is especially confusing for me. so i decided to do something really simple to start out with. I'm going to do a grow cab made from two stacked 31 galloon rubbermaid containers. It'll be 4.573 square feet once stacked. 2.66' L 2.78' H 1.7' W. I'm going to use CFL bulbs, but I'm not sure how many watts I will need in that space. Does anyone know how many watts I would need?

I'm also confused about how many plants I should try to fit in there. I saw someones rubbermaid that looked amazingly dank and I think they must've done sea of green or something because there were probably 8 little plants packed in. It seems like it would make sense in such a small space to do a sog type deal. how many plants should i go for? I'm gettting the indicia mix from paradise seeds so I'll have ice cream, white berry, and sensi star.

I would also like to clone my plants and make the best of them into mothers because it would be a lot quicker and less expensive than starting from seed again next time. Could I put together a separate veg room with just one rubbermaid 31 galloon container? The specs for just one are 32.3"L 20.4"W 16.7"H. How much CFL light would I need for that kind of veg space?

I know I asked a lot of questions, but I promise I have done a TON of reading on this topic and I am still confused. I know its annoying when people post a bunch of questions and basically expect other to do all of the researching for them and I'm really not trying to do that.

Thanks for taking the time <3:leaf:


Well-Known Member
your not asking people to research for you your asking people to share thier experiences and advice, i cant help you im still trying to figure out how im going to set up my first grow but best of luck to you!!!


Well-Known Member
if you are going to use cfls then you need alot of light. the more the merrier. how many can you fit in there? im thinking at least 6. id put as many as i could. how many plants can you fit in there with the size pots you are going to use? id put as many as i could the more the merrier.

whats so hard about venting it? you have 2 vents max. 1 exhaust up top and one inlet at the bottom criss crossed on the opposite side of the exhaust.

pretty basic friend, i suggest you read a whole lot more.:eyesmoke:
Greetings all..just joined today and by no means an expert on this subject, however, I will say that I have read, researched, experimented and harvested a bud or two here and there over these last 27 stoner years ;) Also schooled by some 60 and 70's type guerilla botanists who always advocated that I dabble in the art.

Dude with that set up you're going to need at least 2 exhaust fans as well as 2 passive intakes (at least the size of the fans) to keep the temps optimal. I just completed a grow in one of these and it came out pretty decent for some seeds I picked out of a buck twenty onion. Anyhow, I was continually modifying that thing until I could get the temps to regularly between 68f (evenings) and 84f (tops daytime). What seemed to work best was placing a milk crate in the bottom tub and putting my fan under that to help draw in air as well as push it upwards. On top of the crate I had two ladies in decent sized pots that allowed enough air from the fan to pass. Up top I had 2x3 light fixtures from lowes mounted to the sides. In each socket I had those "Y" splitters essentially making 6 into 12. In the lid of the tub I had two small salvaged computer fans pulling air out. Also rigged a screen across tub for scrog. I ran 100w equivs along with some side lighting and finished with roughly 18g dried. This was a first time indoors for me and the constant modifying resulted in a really tedious grow time and a very shall we say uhhhhh "ghetto looking" set up ?.... but it was soooo GRATIFYING !!!....LOL....anyhow I have sinced revamped my schematics on that rubbermaid and have come up with this (pictures to follow I hope) . Same set up except this time I rigged the lights, the fan as well as the screen into the top so when I have to remove it for any reason it's pretty simple. As you can see I still need to make blinds for the intakes and exhaust. This time I used one big exhaust fan instead of two but I have run this a few days and nights and temps are way to high so I am figuring that this is not one of those high speed ones that I hear about. If I dont find one at a decent price this is a budget grow (disabled veteran) I'll salvage two more smaller fans and place them on either side of the center fan. Also added a little side access point so I dont have to remove the lid all the time, just have to light proof this somehow and it's good. As far as how many..I will say this you have to consider that you need to move as much air as possible in there so the more pot the less room for air flow. I have been considering this "no mercy" thing, dixie cups (will give me at least 6-8) as well as considering getting some regular autos and starting my own auto seed stock and breeding ground.

Like I said I am no expert just after close to 30 years of study and only very small and very infrequent grows I decided to give it a go. Now you'll here all the HPS and blah blah blah but like I said I'm a disabled veteran living on $1250 so it is what it the kids would say....Good luck dude and I will update as soon as I get this thing squared away.



Well-Known Member
Greetings all..just joined today and by no means an expert on this subject, however, I will say that I have read, researched, experimented and harvested a bud or two here and there over these last 27 stoner years ;) Also schooled by some 60 and 70's type guerilla botanists who always advocated that I dabble in the art.

Dude with that set up you're going to need at least 2 exhaust fans as well as 2 passive intakes (at least the size of the fans) to keep the temps optimal. I just completed a grow in one of these and it came out pretty decent for some seeds I picked out of a buck twenty onion. Anyhow, I was continually modifying that thing until I could get the temps to regularly between 68f (evenings) and 84f (tops daytime). What seemed to work best was placing a milk crate in the bottom tub and putting my fan under that to help draw in air as well as push it upwards. On top of the crate I had two ladies in decent sized pots that allowed enough air from the fan to pass. Up top I had 2x3 light fixtures from lowes mounted to the sides. In each socket I had those "Y" splitters essentially making 6 into 12. In the lid of the tub I had two small salvaged computer fans pulling air out. Also rigged a screen across tub for scrog. I ran 100w equivs along with some side lighting and finished with roughly 18g dried. This was a first time indoors for me and the constant modifying resulted in a really tedious grow time and a very shall we say uhhhhh "ghetto looking" set up ?.... but it was soooo GRATIFYING !!!....LOL....anyhow I have sinced revamped my schematics on that rubbermaid and have come up with this (pictures to follow I hope) . Same set up except this time I rigged the lights, the fan as well as the screen into the top so when I have to remove it for any reason it's pretty simple. As you can see I still need to make blinds for the intakes and exhaust. This time I used one big exhaust fan instead of two but I have run this a few days and nights and temps are way to high so I am figuring that this is not one of those high speed ones that I hear about. If I dont find one at a decent price this is a budget grow (disabled veteran) I'll salvage two more smaller fans and place them on either side of the center fan. Also added a little side access point so I dont have to remove the lid all the time, just have to light proof this somehow and it's good. As far as how many..I will say this you have to consider that you need to move as much air as possible in there so the more pot the less room for air flow. I have been considering this "no mercy" thing, dixie cups (will give me at least 6-8) as well as considering getting some regular autos and starting my own auto seed stock and breeding ground.

Like I said I am no expert just after close to 30 years of study and only very small and very infrequent grows I decided to give it a go. Now you'll here all the HPS and blah blah blah but like I said I'm a disabled veteran living on $1250 so it is what it the kids would say....Good luck dude and I will update as soon as I get this thing squared away.
you only need 1 intake and one exhaust. those little computer fans only move about 30 cfms. try these 4 in inline fans that move 80 cfm. they are cheap and you can pick them up at your local home depot. hope this helps...


Active Member
use as many CFLs as you can fit in that contraption...n only use exhaust fans on inlet...create a vacuum with the exhaust fans pulling fresh air into the box through some small holes on the bottom growing the same paradise seeds pack right in 2.5 weeks from seed...check out the link in my signature for the grow journal
