Monkeys or Aliens?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
The more I think about it, the more I think the squirrels is proving my point. They take excess. They take whatever is available to them. They stash it, they hide it. Their population is already in balance with other animals and competing for food sources. If there was an excess of food there would already be a larger squirrel population to compensate. The act of them taking more than they need and stashing it is directly harmful to competing species and also competing squirrels of the same species. Them taking more than they need does not harm their own survival. It ensures they not only have a larger portion of the food source, but that their competitors simultaneously have less. This behavior is beneficial to the survival of the squirrel doing that behavior.

But of course squirrels doing this is completely natural.

humans doing this are unnatural.


Well-Known Member
Methane is odorless...

I'm just sayin'...
I did not know this.

pure methane is odorless

methane in the presence of organic compounds isnt

what im trying to say is methane works well as a smell carrier so to say its not the methane in the fart you smell

its the organic terpenes that were able to reach your nose cause the methane
Or this.

Life wouldn't be able to evolve or survive in just a gas of methane. It would require a liquid. Methane boils at -258 F, so it would have to be under very high pressure, or extremely low temperatures, or some combination of both. Once you are at those temperatures and pressures normal biological functions as we know it don't work. I highly doubt life could evolve and thrive, or even survive without liquid H2O.
In a whole other atmosphere, with different atmospheric pressure, and different temperatures, methane would be a liquid.

And they have already found planets with oceans of methane, and that rain methane.


Well-Known Member
By looking at the DNA we see that our large chromosome has evidence of a telomere in the center. And we also see evidence of two centromeres. So this means that two chromosomes fused their ends together. This is what happened when we branched away from our common ancestry. This is why we sweat. Why we lost hair. Why our brains are larger.

The problem people have is they don't conceive how powerful and random the universe is. We're not fucking aliens. We're an evolutionary product, which won't survive. The sooner we die off, the sooner the next species can have a go. It's a cycle. It's been going on before we arrived, and will continue long after we're gone.
But it's also a cycle that I like to look at and say, what if ...?
Because it could have ... :D

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I did not know this.

Or this.

In a whole other atmosphere, with different atmospheric pressure, and different temperatures, methane would be a liquid.

And they have already found planets with oceans of methane, and that rain methane.
I never questioned whether methane existed or that it can exist in different phases. I questioned whether the chemistry is possible under those conditions for life to exist.


Well-Known Member
Mother nature takes care of itself, once living things start to overpopulate, nature deals with it, whether that be forest fires, diseases, ice ages, etc. . Human beings were already supposed to have been wiped off the earth, just with our superior intelligence and modern medicines, were able to fight off new and deadly viruses. The simplest of our virus's could have wiped out the entire human race in the blink of an eye. It truly is fascinating we have came this far, we are the most intelligent species the earth has ever seen. It would taken millions of years for any other animal species to reach the point of evolution we have achieved If it could even be possible again. Imagine if one of our ancestors caught a deadly contagious cold and died, The earth would be a completely different place then what it is today.
I think it will kill us for sure.

Earthquakes, or a new species, or a new human, or a plant that knows exactly how to kill humans in mass numbers, and undetected.
There are so many possibilities, we've fucked with so much of the planet, that at this point something like our oil spills awakening some lost greek god, or titan. Trapped in a hole, under the ocean with get released, and he'll just fuck us up, wouldn't surprise me.

It will probably be nuclear war though...
Well just get rid of ourselves.

Maybe then we can be good people.
When humans are like "My grandfather told me this whole country used to have things called 'trees', and they just picked the food right off of 'em. No killing humans and eating them, no scavenging for Twinkies, and cockroaches to eat. They were called plants, and they grew like animals. But they didn't move or talk. They just helped us, while we killed their planet..."


Well-Known Member
it is more than possible for life under those conditions to exist

they discovered whole ecosystems built off the super heated gas tower things like its a volcano looking thing that shoots out gasses such as methane at super hot temps

at the bottom of the sea that is

theres a group of organisms that feed off the gasses then there are organisms that eat them and other organisms that eat them

all with the absence of light and photosynthesis

edit ps

hydrothermal vents! thats it!



Well-Known Member
I never questioned whether methane existed or that it can exist in different phases. I questioned whether the chemistry is possible under those conditions for life to exist.
Yousaid that it couldn't work because of its boiling point and stuff...

It would have the same boiling point as water, under those atmospheric conditions.


Well-Known Member
We've lain all the gods to rest.

And humans took over the planet.

Is that disgusting to anyone else?
Gods never existed. As humans we are susceptible to delusion. So they only existed in our heads, for those who bought into it, that is. We are ALL BORN ATHEISTS. Then your parents and or your environment converted you to another point of view! :bigjoint:

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Yousaid that it couldn't work because of its boiling point and stuff...

It would have the same boiling point as water, under those atmospheric conditions.
No I said it would have to be a liquid to work. Methane in the gas phase doesn't have the properties needed to support life. In order to be liquid it would have to be below -258 F, or under extreme pressure. It is the the extreme temperatures and pressures needed, not the methane, that would inhibit life and biological reactions.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
it is more than possible for life under those conditions to exist

they discovered whole ecosystems built off the super heated gas tower things like its a volcano looking thing that shoots out gasses such as methane at super hot temps

at the bottom of the sea that is

theres a group of organisms that feed off the gasses then there are organisms that eat them and other organisms that eat them

all with the absence of light and photosynthesis

edit ps

hydrothermal vents! thats it!

View attachment 2022949

At the bottom of the sea you say? A sea of water?


Well-Known Member
i was just using a reference point

honestly we cant tell if life is out there even in the remedial form

untill we get out there

and as a species we have too many problems at home to take care of before we start moving outward

just what the universe needs a bunch of hill billys on the move from rock to rock lol


Well-Known Member
Gods never existed. As humans we are susceptible to delusion. So they only existed in our heads, for those who bought into it, that is. We are ALL BORN ATHEISTS. Then your parents and or your environment converted you to another point of view! :bigjoint:
There were gods.
The wilderness.
The ocean.

We have conquered all, and taken most of their power though.

No I said it would have to be a liquid to work. Methane in the gas phase doesn't have the properties needed to support life. In order to be liquid it would have to be below -258 F, or under extreme pressure. It is the the extreme temperatures and pressures needed, not the methane, that would inhibit life and biological reactions.
I know.

Then I said.
There are planets, where it is the SAME AS WATER.
It isn't IN its gas phase.
It is in OCEANS, and RAINS from the sky in clouds,
It runs downhill,

It's water in that atmosphere. :lol:

You're dense. :lol:


Well-Known Member
The more I think about it, the more I think the squirrels is proving my point. They take excess. They take whatever is available to them. They stash it, they hide it. Their population is already in balance with other animals and competing for food sources. If there was an excess of food there would already be a larger squirrel population to compensate. The act of them taking more than they need and stashing it is directly harmful to competing species and also competing squirrels of the same species. Them taking more than they need does not harm their own survival. It ensures they not only have a larger portion of the food source, but that their competitors simultaneously have less. This behavior is beneficial to the survival of the squirrel doing that behavior.

But of course squirrels doing this is completely natural.

humans doing this are unnatural.
When that squirrel breaks down your door, shoots you in the head, pulls your teeth out for a trophy, and leaves your body to rot, you might have a point. Or, if the squirrel sawed the trees down to collect the nuts. But as it stands, even if they take "Excess", this is supported by the ecosystem. Our methods are not. We don't choose renewable resources like any other creature. We choose limited, damaging resources. Your squirrel does nothing for your comparison with humans. Red squirrels do NOT bury there nuts, so they do not germinate. Grey squirrels however, are responsible for NATURAL REFORESTATION! There habits are supported by the environment. Are you claiming our habits as a species compare to squirrels!?

P.S. Stick to Red squirrels. They are more callous than grey.


Well-Known Member
When that squirrel breaks down your door, shoots you in the head, pulls your teeth out for a trophy, and leaves your body to rot, you might have a point. Or, if the squirrel sawed the trees down to collect the nuts. But as it stands, even if they take "Excess", this is supported by the ecosystem. Our methods are not. We don't choose renewable resources like any other creature. We choose limited, damaging resources. Your squirrel does nothing for your comparison with humans. Red squirrels do NOT bury there nuts, so they do not germinate. Grey squirrels however, are responsible for NATURAL REFORESTATION! There habits are supported by the environment. Are you claiming our habits as a species compare to squirrels!?

P.S. Stick to Red squirrels. They are more callous than grey.
And the squirrels may take more than they need.

But they forget where a lot of those are, or don't use them.
And more trees grow.

Humans throw "extra" in a landfill.


Well-Known Member
There were gods.
The wilderness.
The ocean.

We have conquered all, and taken most of their power though.

I know.

Then I said.
There are planets, where it is the SAME AS WATER.
It isn't IN its gas phase.
It is in OCEANS, and RAINS from the sky in clouds,
It runs downhill,

It's water in that atmosphere. :lol:

You're dense. :lol:
As for the first part, we assigned personalities to Winter, Summer, Fire, Sun, Etc. GODS are projections of our own perceptions towards elements, ideas, Etc. I think a common ground here is respect. We have the capacity to respect the environment, but lack the will power.

As for the second statement....:lol:


Well-Known Member
And the squirrels may take more than they need.

But they forget where a lot of those are, or don't use them.
And more trees grow.

Humans throw "extra" in a landfill.
EXACTLY! We modify resources so they are unavailable to the life cycle. Imagine a lion shitting plastic or radioactive barrels of waste.


Well-Known Member
As for the first part, we assigned personalities to Winter, Summer, Fire, Sun, Etc. GODS are projections of our own perceptions towards elements, ideas, Etc. I think a common ground here is respect. We have the capacity to respect the environment, but lack the will power.

As for the second statement....:lol:
But we ASSIGNED those "personalities" based on what those things DID, because that was how they understood it.

You couldn't tell someone "the vapor evaporates, and condensates in the clouds, then it precipitates when it gets too dense. And the ions in the clouds, mixed with the ions in the earth do whatever, to make lightning."

You had to say "The Earth god, and the sun god collect the water in the clouds, and when the sky god is overwhelmed, she cries. And Zeus strikes the Earth for what it has done"

That was just THEIR science. :D :lol:

EXACTLY! We modify our resources so they are unavailable to the life cycle.
We're gross.


Well-Known Member
And they WERE gods when they had power over us.

The sun, the rain, the earth, the seasons, the everything.

It all used to matter to us.


Well-Known Member
I think it will kill us for sure.

Earthquakes, or a new species, or a new human, or a plant that knows exactly how to kill humans in mass numbers, and undetected.
There are so many possibilities, we've fucked with so much of the planet, that at this point something like our oil spills awakening some lost greek god, or titan. Trapped in a hole, under the ocean with get released, and he'll just fuck us up, wouldn't surprise me.

It will probably be nuclear war though...
Well just get rid of ourselves.

Maybe then we can be good people.
When humans are like "My grandfather told me this whole country used to have things called 'trees', and they just picked the food right off of 'em. No killing humans and eating them, no scavenging for Twinkies, and cockroaches to eat. They were called plants, and they grew like animals. But they didn't move or talk. They just helped us, while we killed their planet..."
My guess, which follows natural selection, is that a new Homo-species will develop, and then attack and kill off the old, inadequate species. We did this to a phew Homo species over the years. I feel complex emotions will HAVE to be removed from the equation. Simple Psychological traumas are important (Baby sees mommy ripped apart by lions=Don't fuck with lions, run when you see lions), but beyond that you just cloud Rational Logic.

Anti-Social behavior is being studied in depth for this reason. If a DNA link is found, you can bet the farm the governments will try to eliminate it. Humans who are NOT compelled to seek approval or feel, could never be controlled in a civil or humane manner. Western Psychology in general is YIKES to begin with, however I see a great value in logical, emotionless people.