Marijuana's effect on personal spirituality and philosophy


Active Member
This is something I've been contemplating for some time and with some discussion with friends found it to be true in all of us. Since any of us have started smoking we all agree it's created a lasting change in our way of thinking even when sober (or sober for long periods of time). I tend to have a greater respect for other people and things and have had a lot of urges to explore Spiritual and Philosophical questions and beliefs. This is a big shift for me who up until I started was all logic, skeptic and champion of science. I also tended to be more of a dick to people too (with a real "me first" attitude). Now I tend to naturally look to help people without even thinking about it. It isn't all good though as I often have weird moments occasionally where I really question what I'm doing in life and where I'm going and if I'm wasting time I could be using to do more important things (of which I have no idea what they'd be specifically). That can be quite scary sometimes.

So what's the deal, are we alone in this, is there a measurable effect on someones personality/thought process that is permanent or at least very long lasting? If so is this a positive thing? Or is this not a result of smoking on a semi-regular basis and simply natural personal growth?

Full of questions without answers :?

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
Cannabis is like an imagination enhancer for me, and has helped me come to a lot of revelations in my life (about how much i have compared to the rest of the world, how much i take for granted etc.) And I can definitely say it has helped me come to terms with a lot of things in life... like the fact that there are hundreds of questions that i will never get the answers to, but that doesn't mean im not gonna have as much fun as i possibly can before i die, and help all others lighten the fuck up and do the same! =)

But cannabis im sure does different things to different people depending on what their mind has been molded to think like. And this can go back to the question asked in an earlier thread, why am i me? Why is it that my brother is so selfish and hurtful while im so giving and kind? Is it merely just the result of different of our brains being wired differently in combination with the environment we were raised in and how we were raised? I don't know, but it seems to be.

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member
When you tune your mind into the plants, they transmit messages of peace, connectedness, acceptance and love.


Active Member
Cannabis is like an imagination enhancer for me, and has helped me come to a lot of revelations in my life (about how much i have compared to the rest of the world, how much i take for granted etc.) And I can definitely say it has helped me come to terms with a lot of things in life... like the fact that there are hundreds of questions that i will never get the answers to, but that doesn't mean im not gonna have as much fun as i possibly can before i die, and help all others lighten the fuck up and do the same! =)

But cannabis im sure does different things to different people depending on what their mind has been molded to think like. And this can go back to the question asked in an earlier thread, why am i me? Why is it that my brother is so selfish and hurtful while im so giving and kind? Is it merely just the result of different of our brains being wired differently in combination with the environment we were raised in and how we were raised? I don't know, but it seems to be.
Very true, it's definitely helped me come to terms with things before, and it seems like the only thing to do is just live and enjoy it. I keep getting this nagging feeling however that something's not quite right in my life though and I can't put my finger on it. I think it goes back to being pushed towards the "get a good education, a good job, money, and retire so you can relax and not worry about anything". But as I get going through life I start thinking I should be enjoying things while I'm younger and can, so I don't end up just sitting at home all day later in life fiddling about like my dad who's disabled. And the two concepts just clash. I've got one degree and a great job, but it's far from what I could accomplish I think, and I'm just not sure if I want to press forward getting better degrees and a better job somewhat unhappily because I think it'll be worth it in the end. Then when I think about that too much it appears Machiavellian in that the end justifies the means which seems like a bad idea and I end up banging my head against the wall :P


Well-Known Member
Very true, it's definitely helped me come to terms with things before, and it seems like the only thing to do is just live and enjoy it. I keep getting this nagging feeling however that something's not quite right in my life though and I can't put my finger on it. I think it goes back to being pushed towards the "get a good education, a good job, money, and retire so you can relax and not worry about anything". But as I get going through life I start thinking I should be enjoying things while I'm younger and can, so I don't end up just sitting at home all day later in life fiddling about like my dad who's disabled. And the two concepts just clash. I've got one degree and a great job, but it's far from what I could accomplish I think, and I'm just not sure if I want to press forward getting better degrees and a better job somewhat unhappily because I think it'll be worth it in the end. Then when I think about that too much it appears Machiavellian in that the end justifies the means which seems like a bad idea and I end up banging my head against the wall :P
The matter would be,what is it that you would find fulfilling in your life?More often than not money ,cars houses only lead to more frustration and unhappiness.U could go to college get a degree and even get a great job,but do u still feel like u want something more?U have to ask yourself what do I truely like doing as a starter.Anything and everything will be as you determine it to be,I mean this in the sense that what you hold as an attitude will be the determining factor to your happiness or unhappiness.Think about it.As far as smoking weed,It allows for me a visualization of my mind to a sort of slow down so that i observe nuance within myself.To focus basicaly.I tend to be the level headed sort when it comes to my emotions and to not act rashly.But thats besides the point.

Cannabis is like an imagination enhancer for me, and has helped me come to a lot of revelations in my life (about how much i have compared to the rest of the world, how much i take for granted etc.) And I can definitely say it has helped me come to terms with a lot of things in life... like the fact that there are hundreds of questions that i will never get the answers to, but that doesn't mean im not gonna have as much fun as i possibly can before i die, and help all others lighten the fuck up and do the same! =)

^Like^ Most definetly Strife.


Active Member
The matter would be,what is it that you would find fulfilling in your life?More often than not money ,cars houses only lead to more frustration and unhappiness.U could go to college get a degree and even get a great job,but do u still feel like u want something more?U have to ask yourself what do I truely like doing as a starter.Anything and everything will be as you determine it to be,I mean this in the sense that what you hold as an attitude will be the determining factor to your happiness or unhappiness.Think about it.
I guess part of the problem is I don't really know what I enjoy doing in terms of a job/career. I know what I'm GOOD at, and what I can do well, but that's a different story. I'm sure I'll figure it out though, as people keep telling me, I'm still young. And I have to agree with what you said, happiness is about attitude and doing something you enjoy.

In the words of Never Shout Never: "I'm only as tall as my heart will let me be, and I'm only as small as the world will make me seem, and when the going gets rough and I feel like I may fall, I'll look on the bright side, I'm roughly six feet tall"

Zaehet Strife

Well-Known Member
It is really hard Dax, to find something in life that gives us a sense of individual meaning, purpose and appreciatetion with ourselves. Especially in our western culture, where everyone is given status depending on what they own, how much money you have, and how many bitches you can fuck. Imo, its sick, and its a mental disease. We all need to sit down, and write ourselves a letter, talk to ourselves about what really makes us happy, and how we can do what makes us happiest while still being able to live (have shelter, food, clean water)

What gives me the most happiness is helping people, thats it. I just wanna fuckin help people because it makes me feel so fuckin awesome. I gave my car away, and saved up to buy a bicycle, ill probably never own another car again, probably never own a house or anything like that. I came to see that its not what i have that makes me happy, but what i give... and im sure it must be different for a lot of people depending on how they were raised, and the situations that have come up in life... and how they chose to react to each one of those situations.

About going to colledge, getting a job and working until retirement.. i say fuck that, and fuck the system that takes advantage of us. They take away our youth, make us work it away.. and when we are too old to have fun and do the things that we have always wanted to do (ride my bike across the us, learn how to surf etc etc.) were too old and fucked up to do anything that we wanted to do. Im not going to let the system take away my youth, when im all old and my youth has been spent doing everything ive always wanted to do, then maybe ill be forced to get a job in order to survive.. but right now, im living this shit up, living in the moment not worrying about the past, nor about the future. You only get to be young once, dont dream it away by thinking about the past or the future. Take some chances, do something crazy... we only get one chance to live, fuckin live that shit up yo!

Also, i love learning, and because i wont be going to colledge because of the money... that does not mean i cant get an infinite amount of pirated books off of the internet and teach myself what i am interested in. Right now my kick is biology, and i try to devote at least 1 hour a day to studying it.. why? Because its fuckin interesting, awesome, and it makes me feel good when i learn about new things and how things work.


Well-Known Member
I guess part of the problem is I don't really know what I enjoy doing in terms of a job/career. I know what I'm GOOD at, and what I can do well, but that's a different story. I'm sure I'll figure it out though, as people keep telling me, I'm still young. And I have to agree with what you said, happiness is about attitude and doing something you enjoy.

In the words of Never Shout Never: "I'm only as tall as my heart will let me be, and I'm only as small as the world will make me seem, and when the going gets rough and I feel like I may fall, I'll look on the bright side, I'm roughly six feet tall"

You're in Maine, grow weed.


Well-Known Member
This is something I've been contemplating for some time and with some discussion with friends found it to be true in all of us. Since any of us have started smoking we all agree it's created a lasting change in our way of thinking even when sober (or sober for long periods of time). I tend to have a greater respect for other people and things and have had a lot of urges to explore Spiritual and Philosophical questions and beliefs. This is a big shift for me who up until I started was all logic, skeptic and champion of science. I also tended to be more of a dick to people too (with a real "me first" attitude). Now I tend to naturally look to help people without even thinking about it. It isn't all good though as I often have weird moments occasionally where I really question what I'm doing in life and where I'm going and if I'm wasting time I could be using to do more important things (of which I have no idea what they'd be specifically). That can be quite scary sometimes.

So what's the deal, are we alone in this, is there a measurable effect on someones personality/thought process that is permanent or at least very long lasting? If so is this a positive thing? Or is this not a result of smoking on a semi-regular basis and simply natural personal growth?

Full of questions without answers :?
Very interesting, OP, and I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I'm naturally an A type personality that can be quite self-centered, impatient and somewhat abrasive with high standards for my own work and the work of others (my friends have referred to me as a Natural Asshole). When I am smoking weed on a regular basis (like the last 8 years of my life), I am a much more mellow person with a much more relaxed attitude. I know that it's help me be a better father, esp. when my son was very young. I'd have him from Friday - Sunday every single weekend, and we were/are usually by ourselves with no one to hand him off to or assist me. All the attention he needed, the constant questions into infinite regression, all the time immersing myself into a child's world could be frustrating and boring. I'd often be thinking of all the productive things I could be doing, or all the weekend parties going on that I could be attending, etc. I started to take a few tokes in the morning after breakfast, and all of those anxious feelings would melt away. It was much easier and more enjoyable to be in his simple, little world, and I could tell that there was less tension between us. This allowed us to become closer.
I think most of us have had questioned whether we should be doing more important things, or if weed is getting in the way of our accomplishing what we should. I think it can definitely be used to hide/escape from life, I have used it that way many times. But it can also be used to enhance our productivity if used wisely. And as you alluded to, it's effects can open avenues of perception that become a permanent part of us...


Active Member
Very interesting, OP, and I can relate to a lot of what you wrote. I'm naturally an A type personality that can be quite self-centered, impatient and somewhat abrasive with high standards for my own work and the work of others (my friends have referred to me as a Natural Asshole). When I am smoking weed on a regular basis (like the last 8 years of my life), I am a much more mellow person with a much more relaxed attitude. I know that it's help me be a better father, esp. when my son was very young. I'd have him from Friday - Sunday every single weekend, and we were/are usually by ourselves with no one to hand him off to or assist me. All the attention he needed, the constant questions into infinite regression, all the time immersing myself into a child's world could be frustrating and boring. I'd often be thinking of all the productive things I could be doing, or all the weekend parties going on that I could be attending, etc. I started to take a few tokes in the morning after breakfast, and all of those anxious feelings would melt away. It was much easier and more enjoyable to be in his simple, little world, and I could tell that there was less tension between us. This allowed us to become closer.
I think most of us have had questioned whether we should be doing more important things, or if weed is getting in the way of our accomplishing what we should. I think it can definitely be used to hide/escape from life, I have used it that way many times. But it can also be used to enhance our productivity if used wisely. And as you alluded to, it's effects can open avenues of perception that become a permanent part of us...
It's good to hear when the herb brings two people closer together instead of tearing them apart. I think the number of people who use only to hide and escape their problems are the minority. At least I'd like to hope so, and while I can't say I've never smoked for that purpose, I try to purposefully not make a habit of it. Life is better when you face your problems head on and deal with them. Cannabis should make it easier to deal with life, not easier to run away from it.


Active Member
smoking pot for me also changed the way my mind works, i could have been one of those straight edge closed minded ppl like old school grandpa. all those relatives that we have that tells us smoking pot is bad for us are in denial. those are the same ppl that cant go a weekend without getting hammered or go a day without their coffee. they may look like they got stuff together like good jobs, big house and no apparent problems, but in reality alot of them their lives suck. they have the same fucked up problems everyone else has or will have. they dont show it and live life like the brady bunch in some fantasy land living a lie. smoking pot allows me to sit back and think of stuff like this.


Active Member
smoking pot for me also changed the way my mind works, i could have been one of those straight edge closed minded ppl like old school grandpa. all those relatives that we have that tells us smoking pot is bad for us are in denial. those are the same ppl that cant go a weekend without getting hammered or go a day without their coffee. they may look like they got stuff together like good jobs, big house and no apparent problems, but in reality alot of them their lives suck. they have the same fucked up problems everyone else has or will have. they dont show it and live life like the brady bunch in some fantasy land living a lie. smoking pot allows me to sit back and think of stuff like this.
Amen to that. Just because you're good at faking being happy and having it together better than me, doesn't make it true, and in fact most times if you have to go through all that effort you have worse issues than I do.


Active Member
Amen to that. Just because you're good at faking being happy and having it together better than me, doesn't make it true, and in fact most times if you have to go through all that effort you have worse issues than I do.
weird, i didnt know if that was an insult or u having sympathy for me, or reading my mind. but if i really wanted to take the topic serious i have to say ur comment has so many flavors to it. had to reread it a few times lol. i have to say one of the hardest things about creative ideas and thoughts when smoking MJ is its hard to put into words or describe and or communicate the thoughts we have, well me anyways lol. fuck im high. or does my elaborate thinking makes me think im high. ill think about it over another hit.

edit, another reason is our thoughts go off topic too much and we lose the idea we had, or is that the secret behind MJs creativity. k gonna stop till someone replies....


Active Member
weird, i didnt know if that was an insult or u having sympathy for me, or reading my mind. but if i really wanted to take the topic serious i have to say ur comment has so many flavors to it. had to reread it a few times lol. i have to say one of the hardest things about creative ideas and thoughts when smoking MJ is its hard to put into words or describe and or communicate the thoughts we have, well me anyways lol. fuck im high. or does my elaborate thinking makes me think im high. ill think about it over another hit.

edit, another reason is our thoughts go off topic too much and we lose the idea we had, or is that the secret behind MJs creativity. k gonna stop till someone replies....
Haha upon reading my sentence I realize it's not really made clear. It wasn't directed at anyone in particular just people in general. No insult in any way! And I can understand that about going off topic by losing the original idea. I can't count the number of times I went "Holy shit I need to write this down and...THAT DOG HAS A PUFFY TAIL!! Wait...what?"


Active Member
yea if there was ever a huge conspiracy that marijuana is illegal for the reason of it inspiring creative thought, curing cancer and treating conditions as ppl claim, prison expansion projects, huge legal bureaucracies that govern us all, it would be the craziest thing ever.

makes me wonder why, like to have all the jails, cops and courts to imprison ppl incase of mass riots? i mean if everyone acted at once we own the nation but imagine if we didnt have the need to have huge prisons everywhere like drug prohibition is taking us atm. nobody ever goes to jail for using drugs unless some bs law mandates it (possession), its the things u do to get the drugs that land u in prison like armed robbery and stealing. if the government wasnt so fucking stupid and gave junkies medical grade heroin and medical grade crack to addicts we would have a better world and all the bad scary stuff like drug cartels and prisons will fade away, and less asshole cops to deal with.