Wtf is this?

The Count

Well-Known Member
never seen that before... how the hell are pistils coming out of that part of the leave? Got me but ill def keep watching this thread to see what comes of it.


Global Moderator
Staff member
Its not unheard of for a bud to form at the base of the leaf.
It is pretty unusual, but I've probably seen around a half dozen of those over the years.

That's cool, though.

Welcome to RIU too !


Active Member
that happend to me a few grows back also had them on the stem of the leave didnt affect anything weird tho


Well-Known Member
Recently been paranoid with hermies popping up in the garden. I been searching everywhere for balls and I was juiced when I didn't find any. I wake up in the morning and see this weird ass growth. They have pistils coming out but im not sure what it is lol.
Some plants are somewhat mutant-y and they will grow tiny bud tufts, or pollen sacks at the base of some leaves...nothing to worry about. I had a TGA Jilly Bean male do that same thing, but with pollen sacks. So some strains just do that...
Some plants are somewhat mutant-y and they will grow tiny bud tufts, or pollen sacks at the base of some leaves...nothing to worry about. I had a TGA Jilly Bean male do that same thing, but with pollen sacks. So some strains just do that...
Mine was on a Jack the ripper. I get a lot of funny stuff with tga, had a JTR bean produce 2 plants.