New Obama video revealed


Active Member
Wow, perhaps you should watch the video a few more times to pick up the obvious message Obama is sending.
Sorry you were let down, what did you expect to hear from a politician, "hey fuck you whitey!"
As far as I can tell, the racial part comes from the Katrina reference. I know the media narrative surrounding Katrina was that Bush hates black people, but I don't think regular people see it that way. I know five people who lost a lot in Katrina. Every one of them was white. One of them was the CEO of my wife's former company. So my personal experience leads me to believe that Katrina fucked white people and rich people in addition to poor black people.

The point he made about the Stafford act is a valid one and not one I found particularly racy.


Active Member
LOL, you poor, sad soul.
Spell it out for me then because I don't see it.

Romney said, "My job is not to worry about those people." Can you see why that was a big deal? It's clear. It doesn't require explanation. It's soundbite ready.

I think there is a conspiracy theory that the Bush administration hated black people and when Barack mentioned Katrina in the video, we're suppose to make that connection. The problem is, he doesn't actually say it, so it requires speculation on our part. It's not soundbite ready. In fact the soundbite itself is something I think most people would agree with.

This video has made headlines on other news sites, but the headlines are less about the video and more about the sad desperation on the right. I feel for them. How do you explain to your followers that you couldn't defeat the "worst" President of all time even after raising more money?


Well-Known Member
As far as I can tell, the racial part comes from the Katrina reference. I know the media narrative surrounding Katrina was that Bush hates black people, but I don't think regular people see it that way. I know five people who lost a lot in Katrina. Every one of them was white. One of them was the CEO of my wife's former company. So my personal experience leads me to believe that Katrina fucked white people and rich people in addition to poor black people.

The point he made about the Stafford act is a valid one and not one I found particularly racy.
I think the "shocking" part of the video to America is that all of these comments were "off script" and were not part of the "script" provided to the media prior. The fact that following such comments 100% of the media chose to simply report the script given to them before hand as the news intentionally NOT reporting what was actually said.

It is my belief that this country is not as full of idiots as many assume. I hope that a Carter like loss for Obama will expose much more corruption within the media. The Alinsky mindset of the main stream media is in complete contrast to what our forefathers considered a "Free Press". With some reality to cut through all the BS this country will be a better place for it.


Well-Known Member
Spell it out for me then because I don't see it.

Romney said, "My job is not to worry about those people."
I think you are referring to when Romney was talking about how he isn't going to try and win the vote of people that he already know will vote for Obama. There would be no point for him to do so. For instance. Look at all the Obama worshipers on this site. You can't tell them anything without them getting defensive about their almighty god Obama.

It's funny to me how people say "the media is biased" and then turn around and agree with everything they say and take talking points from them. Screw facts. Facts are not important. Derp. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
I think you are referring to when Romney was talking about how he isn't going to try and win the vote of people that he already know will vote for Obama. There would be no point for him to do so. For instance. Look at all the Obama worshipers on this site. You can't tell them anything without them getting defensive about their almighty god Obama.

It's funny to me how people say "the media is biased" and then turn around and agree with everything they say and take talking points from them. Screw facts. Facts are not important. Derp. :dunce:
Here you must be a bigot that assumes Romney is a bigot without cause. What if he was talking about the ignorant? Do you think a simple civics exam to ascertain if a voter is competent to vote would change the election? Of course that is racist right? But what does that say about the left preying on these individuals? Would you like your children living in the American liberal utopias of Detroit & Chicago or allow them to be educated there? Is this your idea of "social justice"?!?

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it." Henry Ford



Well-Known Member
How long ago did Mitt Romney haze the gay college student, oh yeah over 50 years ago!
incorrect, you lying racist.

now go off and try to insult more people by calling them black, like you have done before.

for the record, this wasn't simple "hazing". this was mitt rounding up a posse, seeking out a kid who was minding his own business, assaulting him by knocking him to the ground, pinning him down, and cutting off his hair as he cried and yelled for help.

sociopathic shit right there.


Well-Known Member
I believe the fact that Obama has zero integrity has always been part of the game plan. It has no effect on the Kool Aid drinkers (see UncleBuck). Provided with facts they'll call you a bigot with some ridiculous one-liner, their ignorance is clearly bliss.
i called you a racist bigot because you called obama an "affirmative action president".

care to explain that one for me, bigot? or you gonna spam the same videos in the eighth thread now before you get into your newt gingrich, glenn beck, christian revisionist bullshit there?



Well-Known Member
incorrect, you lying racist.

now go off and try to insult more people by calling them black, like you have done before.

for the record, this wasn't simple "hazing". this was mitt rounding up a posse, seeking out a kid who was minding his own business, assaulting him by knocking him to the ground, pinning him down, and cutting off his hair as he cried and yelled for help.

sociopathic shit right there.
What do you know about Obama's school days fool!?! Odd aye?!? What if he beat a white girl for her "white privilege"? Would that be OK?


Well-Known Member
Here you must be a bigot that assumes Romney is a bigot without cause. What if he was talking about the ignorant? Do you think a simple civics exam to ascertain if a voter is competent to vote would change the election? Of course that is racist right? But what does that say about the left preying on these individuals? Would you like your children living in the American liberal utopias of Detroit & Chicago or allow them to be educated there? Is this your idea of "social justice"?!?

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it." Henry Ford
How am I being a bigot again? I was simply responding to someone saying "I think this is what they are referring to." You just went on some wild tangent that didn't have anything to do with what I said. What if Romney is talking about the ignorant? If he was then he was. I was talking about what he said and what most ppl understood by what he said. For all I know he could be talking about the ignorant, but the way he said it made it sound exactly like he meant to say it. I don't support either candidate. I was simply responding to what I thought someone else was confused about.


Well-Known Member
How am I being a bigot again? I was simply responding to someone saying "I think this is what they are referring to." You just went on some wild tangent that didn't have anything to do with what I said. What if Romney is talking about the ignorant? If he was then he was. I was talking about what he said and what most ppl understood by what he said. For all I know he could be talking about the ignorant, but the way he said it made it sound exactly like he meant to say it. I don't support either candidate. I was simply responding to what I thought someone else was confused about.
Sorry brother, I went off in the third person there :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
this is all just racial politics, and it is quite disgusting, but not unexpected from desperate righties who find themselves losing horribly around the nation.

newt may as well come out and say fried chicken and watermelon and collard greens for fuck sake.

“This is a man who in an age of false celebrity-hood is sort of the perfect president, because he’s a false president, he’s a guy that doesn’t do the president’s job. You have to wonder what he’s doing. I’m assuming that there’s some rhythm to Barack Obama that the rest of us don’t understand. Whether he needs large amounts of rest, whether he needs to go play basketball for a while or watch ESPN, I mean, I don’t quite know what his rhythm is, but this is a guy that is a brilliant performer as an orator, who may very well get reelected at the present date, and who, frankly, he happens to be a partial, part-time president.”

he's just lazy, and has rythym, and plays basketball, and is tired and part timing it. also, food stamps and welfare. yep.



Well-Known Member
What do you know about Obama's school days fool!?! Odd aye?!? What if he beat a white girl for her "white privilege"? Would that be OK?
is the christian revisionist bigot going to go off about some event that happened when he was 6 now? :lol:

you're so predictable and stupid that it hurts.

go home, christian revisionist bigot.


Well-Known Member
i called you a racist bigot because you called obama an "affirmative action president".

care to explain that one for me, bigot? or you gonna spam the same videos in the eighth thread now before you get into your newt gingrich, glenn beck, christian revisionist bullshit there?

watch the video again. You can't call someone racist when the person you support and his rev. are racists themselves. The fact that you are trying to throw out how people are racist in a thread with that video is rediculious.


Well-Known Member
I only watched up till tucker carlson cause I can't stand that little cunt, but I basically agreed with what obama was saying up to that point.


Well-Known Member
i called you a racist bigot because you called obama an "affirmative action president".

care to explain that one for me, bigot? or you gonna spam the same videos in the eighth thread now before you get into your newt gingrich, glenn beck, christian revisionist bullshit there?

Listen FUCKTARD I have repeated explained that to you! Read what is written and just stop fucking writing you moron!

We all get that you are not the brightest bulb it the bunch fool, but I suggest you learn some respect!

BTW Can you provide a link to your claim that I stated, as you use quote marks, "called obama an "affirmative action president"."?!?


Well-Known Member
watch the video again. You can't call someone racist when the person you support and his rev. are racists themselves. The fact that you are trying to throw out how people are racist in a thread with that video is rediculious.

i have seen the video. please point out the racism there, chief.