New Obama video revealed


Well-Known Member
show me how it's not true then.

show me that jeremiah wright said "god damn america" for reasons other than locking up the japanese or enslaving and then segregating blacks.

it should be easy since you claim it is, so show me.

or, you could just go on another christian revisionist rant and call obama an "affirmative action president", like the resentful racist piece of shit that you are.
If Obama supported Wrights statements then he wouldnt have pulled the *I missed class that day* argument when he said he wasnt there on those days the speeches were given.

Instead he hid like a cowardly dog and cut one of his *mentors* and the man who married him to his wife loose.

The man has no honor.


Well-Known Member
If Obama supported Wrights statements then he wouldnt have pulled the *I missed class that day* argument when he said he wasnt there on those days the speeches were given.

Instead he hid like a cowardly dog and cut one of his *mentors* and the man who married him to his wife loose.

The man has no honor.
people like you were leading the charge when the video came out. that famous "liberal media" who was in the bag for obama, not even fully reporting what was said, just relying on soundbytes.

now people like you are leading the charge for him to reunite with his pastor.

keep trying to have it both ways. the stench of your desperation is powerful, but it won't flip ohio, kiddo.


Well-Known Member
Do you really think that is his only public comment fool? Is he antisemitic? Take a look for realz idiot!


Well-Known Member
people like you were leading the charge when the video came out. that famous "liberal media" who was in the bag for obama, not even fully reporting what was said, just relying on soundbytes.

now people like you are leading the charge for him to reunite with his pastor.

keep trying to have it both ways. the stench of your desperation is powerful, but it won't flip ohio, kiddo.

I am not trying to have it any way.

He cut his pastor loose when it was convenient. I knew Obama was a socialist from the start.

I am simply pointing out his hypocritical behavior in an attempt to doge his true nature.

But you would probably fuck over friends for appearances as well so I understand why you see it as no big deal...


Well-Known Member
All was calm. I went out and mowed the lawn. I come back in and UB is screaming racism. Just like it really 12:30 already? LOL!


Well-Known Member
Really, does anyone here know how old UncleBuck actually is? Does he have a mental disorder? Should I feel bad :-?



Well-Known Member
Really, does anyone here know how old UncleBuck actually is? Does he have a mental disorder? Should I feel bad :-?

I actually feel worse for him because he doesn't have a disorder.


Well-Known Member
29, from the sounds of things.
Winston Churchill quote time:

“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”

​Sounds like epiphany it is coming soon, he best hope not at the hands of a 300 pound biker ;)



Well-Known Member
Winston Churchill quote time:

“Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains.”
UB will always have more heart than brains.


Active Member
I think you are referring to when Romney was talking about how he isn't going to try and win the vote of people that he already know will vote for Obama. There would be no point for him to do so. For instance. Look at all the Obama worshipers on this site. You can't tell them anything without them getting defensive about their almighty god Obama.

It's funny to me how people say "the media is biased" and then turn around and agree with everything they say and take talking points from them. Screw facts. Facts are not important. Derp. :dunce:
What the fuck is "derp"? So you think Romney was merely saying he wouldn't attempt to get their vote, not that he wouldn't represent them? That's fine, but if that's what he meant, then I don't understand. How does one try and win the vote of "those" people? Would it be by advocating for policy that would benefit them? That's usually how it's done.


Active Member
You don't see it because you choose not to see it.
So you got nothing? You can't explain it? I'm not the one with a horse in the race. I'm not voting for Obama. You, however, do. Isn't it much more likely that you're seeing something that's not there because you want it to help your guy?


Well-Known Member
and now we devolve into a chorus of "waaaaahhhhhh! unclebuck pointed out my racism and idiocy!".

seems like you guys could have spent that time backing up the statements i was grilling you for.

instead, you lazy, shiftless, part timers just played basketball and ate fried chicken with your rhythm and your food stamps and your welfare.


Well-Known Member
and now we devolve into a chorus of "waaaaahhhhhh! unclebuck pointed out my racism and idiocy!".

seems like you guys could have spent that time backing up the statements i was grilling you for.

instead, you lazy, shiftless, part timers just played basketball and ate fried chicken with your rhythm and your food stamps and your welfare.
Hmmm ...

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Well-Known Member
You know what would be really funny? A parody of Mitt pandering to a psych ward. If they bought it, imagine the commentary across the media as to the facts of the matter? Imagine UncleBucks comments LoL!


Well-Known Member
What the fuck is "derp"? So you think Romney was merely saying he wouldn't attempt to get their vote, not that he wouldn't represent them? That's fine, but if that's what he meant, then I don't understand. How does one try and win the vote of "those" people? Would it be by advocating for policy that would benefit them? That's usually how it's done.
No I'm not saying that he wouldn't represent them. All I'm saying is what I got from the statement. Not trying to win someone's vote when you know you can't win them over no matter what you say or do is pointless. Take unclebuck for example. No mater what Obama does, he can't do no wrong in his eyes. People like that, you can't talk or reason with them. It serves no purpose, hence it makes it pointless. Also like Tom Joyner, he said " let's all vote for Obama cause he is black" all of his followers will do just that.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever thought though how the left might possibly gain power on this land?

... What to do with all these folks that made America great?!?
I do believe this guy has done the math, you have to kill them!

... Why has Obama thrown this dude under the bus also? Hell didn't he write the book that made O filthy rich?!?