newbie could use help first grow and i have bo idea whats wrong?


Hey guys my first grow going here. Its been going for about 3weeks now and started off good until a few days ago i noticed some yellowing and brown spots on some of the leaves and certain leaves are drying out. I only gave here nutes once so far and the ph has been stable. I water about every 3 days once the soil dries out. Can anyone give me some advice on whats wrong i would really appreciate it. Not all the leaves are yellowing just a few.

Here are some pics.



Thnks for the quick replies and sorry for the double post lol but temps is steady around 78 degrees lights on and im using t5s right now with a couple hanging cfls. Using fox farm ocean forest with perlite. I fed her only once so far on my last watering. She is about 3 weeks old i noticed yellowing before the feeding.


Well-Known Member
Did you reply on the other thread? I can't find it, but I know I asked what you had/ meant by 'stable' PH, and also I think I asked what you had fed.
Any chance that burn is from splashing water with nutes on the leaves?
Did it happen a few days after the one time you fed?
You might have been on the right track with the feeding thought, but burned the leaf when you poured, that's why I ask.


Ph of the water is 6.8 and soil is around 6.2. i feed with fox farm nutes and i noticed a bit of yellowing before the first feeding. Yes its possible i may have splashed water dont remember though ill keep that in mind.
From my understanding and growers I've talked to they said to keep the room at around 73 the highest if you want a healthy plant.


Well-Known Member
70 to 80 is fine, my plants did well in the outdoor, when temps went ovr 80 into the low 90's, because I always had a light breeze with humid air.


Well-Known Member
But I'm going by the thermometer that was at soil level, and it never went past 80, so I just figured the breeze was keeping it cooler.
Good to know on the CO2 though, thanks.


Well-Known Member
breeze prob was helping some but think of it as indoor if your adding co2 you can run at a higher temp outdoors there is tons of co2 everywhere