To BUILD or ... To go buy a closetmaid at home de pot

I have a couple of questions. This grow box will be going in a garage, climate control does not exist in the garage. Hot summers and chilly winters, sometimes freezing, but garage temps are unknown at this time as it's a new building.

1) Do you guys prefer the over/under design. Veg chamber on top of flower chamber? OR do you go with a side x side design, flower and veg chambers next to each other?

2) If I BUILD a box I would have to build a side x side. A 4' High x 4' Wide x 18" Deep. I want as small of a footprint as possible. I would need to spend time building, buying materials, etc. Everything from door hinges, to plywood, paint, etc.

3) Do I buy a Closetmaid 12281:
If I buy the closetmaid it's pre fabbed, I would just need to add a plywood back to it (which I already have just enough for a back) and I can do a over/under box.

Any suggestions?

The grows will be very small. Just basically looking to have a small mother with tiny clone starting area, and a flower area.


. This grow box will be going in a garage, climate control does not exist in the garage. Hot summers and chilly winters, sometimes freezing,
I think you should wrap your head around this problem before getting too concerned about buy or build. When it comes to that Q tho do you have the disposable income? Do you have the skill 2 build a lightproof box? Will one or the other not "fit in" as well in your garage? I am curious to see how you plan to keep the temps where they need to be when there is no climate control involved.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Climate control will be pretty important.
Maybe you would be happy only growing during those ideal months. Most likely March, April,May one round... then September, October, November for another round. You could squeeze a round in to 90 days + dry time. Pick early finishing plants.

Side by side, build your own, or multiple grow tents.

By footprint.... do you mean electric consumption?


Well-Known Member
just do a small one and keep it in your house or you can insulate that cabinetmade box some how(possible fire hazard) and put plywood inside so it has an insulated layer


Active Member
I have a grow tent that I use for flowering while all the vegging takes place outside the tent. Granted I have a controlled environment but the tent works perfect for me. It was a time and expense saver for me. Still it is a matter of personal choice.
Any temp control I do will be installed. The garage itself is insulated believe it or not. I have not been in the house but for a few months and the temps have not fluctuated much. Having grown in a similar situation (inside a closet) and outside as well, the plants can survive here even in the worst of the heat during summer months. The cold I am not worried about as I can supplement lights to add heat, but again it doesn't get too cold except on rare occasions when it may actually freeze (once every few years).

I can build a light proof box. I have several smaller ones already built, but looking to save space by doing one combo setup. I believe I will go vertical. I was looking at my location and I can go either way. However, for the stealthier appearance, vertical may be the best way to go. It will match the rest of the garage better than a 4'x4' square box, and take up less floor space.

The closetmaid I purchased was only $85 an will assemble it this weekend. Thanks for the inputs! Will be doing the build/journal shortly.


Active Member
Any temp control I do will be installed. The garage itself is insulated believe it or not. I have not been in the house but for a few months and the temps have not fluctuated much. Having grown in a similar situation (inside a closet) and outside as well, the plants can survive here even in the worst of the heat during summer months. The cold I am not worried about as I can supplement lights to add heat, but again it doesn't get too cold except on rare occasions when it may actually freeze (once every few years).

I can build a light proof box. I have several smaller ones already built, but looking to save space by doing one combo setup. I believe I will go vertical. I was looking at my location and I can go either way. However, for the stealthier appearance, vertical may be the best way to go. It will match the rest of the garage better than a 4'x4' square box, and take up less floor space.

The closetmaid I purchased was only $85 an will assemble it this weekend. Thanks for the inputs! Will be doing the build/journal shortly.
Blah blah blah, basic point whats the temp outside normally in the winter? Now whats your garage at? FFS without a temp your working in no one is going to answer you. Why? Your sounding like a fucking no it all whose growing in -32 deg f. Obviously thats not the case so answer a few questions before rambling on.

P,S sorry for being so blunt, but you want an answer to your grow, at least answer the question you were asked. If you dont have a thermometer nows the time to dip in your pocket a little. Be anal on temps, and take then all over the garage then report back an average temp. Bet then someone will proceed to help you more.
Blah blah blah, basic point whats the temp outside normally in the winter? Now whats your garage at? FFS without a temp your working in no one is going to answer you. Why? Your sounding like a fucking no it all whose growing in -32 deg f. Obviously thats not the case so answer a few questions before rambling on.

P,S sorry for being so blunt, but you want an answer to your grow, at least answer the question you were asked. If you dont have a thermometer nows the time to dip in your pocket a little. Be anal on temps, and take then all over the garage then report back an average temp. Bet then someone will proceed to help you more.

Read the original post smartass. I never ASKED about temps. Hell, read the title of the thread. The post you quoted was my answer to someone talking about my temps statement in the original thread.

I have a couple of questions. This grow box will be going in a garage, climate control does not exist in the garage. Hot summers and chilly winters, sometimes freezing, but garage temps are unknown at this time as it's a new building.
The temp statement was simply a matter of illustrating my situation. As I have said before, it's a new location, and temps are unknown. If I knew what the temps were I would tell you. In addition, if I was a 'no it all', I wouldn't be asking the questions about WHICH type of GROW BOX to BUILD. If I had a GROW BOX, I would have a thermometer in it and could give you the temp readings from a grow box.

Thanks, Stoking, for NOT answering the questions at hand.


Active Member
Wow case proven dumbass. You want help been asked now this time included 3 times ---- What temps are you planning this grow in? There is a program called Rif. Enroll in it, it may help comprehending this---- Why would anyone bother pointing you in the correct direction if you are so arrogantly involved with. I could give 2 shits about your grow box, what is the temps it sits in so I can make simple suggestions on needed supplies to keep the fucker warm for plants to grow? FFS is that hard to comprehend?

I even went as far as to say buy a fucking thermometer so you can read the current temps.

Now I believe either you understand my intentions to help point you in the direction you need to go with this box, or your a fucking idiot. verdicts still out.

New fucking location or not, a thermometer is not a huge investment. If need be I will ship you one for just to get a god damn answer.


Active Member
Btw, I would suggest building over buying plastic, You can mod the thing to your liking alot easier. Plus burnt plastic smeel like shit when your supplementing lights for heat. Just my .02. Enjoy whatever you do.