My Hermi Help!


Well-Known Member
First grow 7 weeks into flowering found some seeds growing so i looked and could not find any bananas until tonight just 1 and it was opened=seeds So i know i will have some seeds but are the buds going to be any good to smoke??????? (bag seed) I only have the 1 plant thanks in advanced



Active Member
Yeah, it will still be a good smoke. I had a plant hermie on me a while back, also from bagseed and it still turned out good. Out of 2 oz. of bud, I got 8 seeds, but unfortunately they didn't germinate. The bud was pretty good though.


Well-Known Member
One of mine did that last grow. I plucked them with tweezers. After finding about 8 I had no more issues.
Was the smoke still good?? did you pluck the bananas and the seeds? did you have seeds? or did you catch it in time?


Well-Known Member
Half way into week 3. seems she/he is bouncing back and Ill keep close watch on it as i dont want it to pollinate my other Femes.
Keep a eye on that hermi i only found 1 banana it was already opened and very very well hidden good luck too you