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  1. Z

    Laughing Grass

    TNT is sooo passe --- I mean, this is the 12st century...
  2. Z

    Electricity consumption front?

    And suffer absolutely exquisite paranoia when you're high...
  3. Z

    Difference between peat moss and coco?

    A big problem with peat is its tendency to waterlog --- this destroys roots pretty quickly. Adding a lot of perlite might aerate the medium but there's also the low pH to contend with...
  4. Z

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    To "decimate" is to reduce by one tenth --- I should've said destroy!
  5. Z

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    The Ukrainians have the weaponry to decimate Putin's forces... It'll take time and time isn't on Putin's side. Later on, I hope they're able to retake Crimea and the rebel-held areas, too.
  6. Z

    Should the US shed blood for Ukraine

    If that orange, mentally retarded criminal hadn't been allowed anywhere near the WH, in the first place, Putin would never have attacked Ukraine. Herr Drumpf is wholly to blame for all of this fucking shit...
  7. Z

    Russians running yearslong Trolling operation to project their blame onto Ukraine.

    I doubt that talk of sanctions bothers Putin too much --- and he may be just pissed at Zellensky for not helping Drumpf back into the WH with an investigation into Hunter Biden...
  8. Z

    Russians running yearslong Trolling operation to project their blame onto Ukraine.

    Biden could avert war by threatening military action against Putin's attack force, could he not?
  9. Z

    Russians running yearslong Trolling operation to project their blame onto Ukraine.

    The west not standing up to Putin is appeasement, pure and simple... If he isn't stopped now, he'll have to be stopped at some point in the future as happened with the Nazis... The entire thing needs nipping in the bud, before things get out of hand. Giving Ukraine immediate NATO membership...
  10. Z

    Russians running yearslong Trolling operation to project their blame onto Ukraine.

    Appeasement hasn't worked in the past, and it sure as hell won't work now.
  11. Z

    Russians running yearslong Trolling operation to project their blame onto Ukraine.

    Ukraine needs help from its well-armed NATO neighbours to avert what will surely be a slaughter of innocent civilians and soldiers of both sides.
  12. Z

    Russians running yearslong Trolling operation to project their blame onto Ukraine.

    Vague threats promising sanctions are little more than appeasement as far as Putin is concerned. The west needs to deter the murderous POS in Moscow with something more substantial than mere sanctions. It's fucking Chamberlain all over again, it looks to me!
  13. Z

    The Best Songs of the 1970's

    Are you an analyst?
  14. Z

    Convoy? ..Convoy!

    Yeah, and tell everyone to stand well clear...eeewww!
  15. Z

    The Best Songs of the 1970's

    Just some guy singing a love-song to his
  16. Z

    Is this powdery mildew?

    Yeah, it could be them, then --- I've only ever had spider mites and they're light-coloured and slightly elongated...
  17. Z

    Is this powdery mildew?

    No! It's not PM. PM is dusty as its name suggests. It looks more like bleached-out spots from water droplets on the leaves magnifying intense light, but it could be some TE deficiency.
  18. Z

    Re-veg a flowering plant

    In my experience, L/F sativas needed less preparation --- at harvest, I simply left a few healthy buds on the stem, popped it into the veg tent @ 18/6 and had a new plant in a couple of weeks.
  19. Z

    Super leds Top secret technology

    A mixture of primary colours in laser form might well be the next plant-lighting system? Intense light right where it's needed...