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  1. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    defintely too good to be true, or they will all just be properly shit and unvalid seeds, the ones the real companies throw away....
  2. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Haha its just a stick i think with soome bubble looking structures that stretch out quite a bit. Thats all im pretty sure i think...... and as for KFC fuck whoever says its not chicken, its defintely chicken..... KFC is the owner of all fast food. Apart from my local friend chicken lol
  3. growwwww

    Buds from my very first grow (Nirvana White Rhino)

    i love white rhino, i think its because of the lights u got that type of buds, ive got dense buds with some CFLs when i just 12/12 from seeds and got something decent less is sometimes more if you know what i mean. But theres nothign nicer than harvesting and smoking your own bud. Peace man
  4. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    This is were taxes are going, i think money going to olympic and expidition viewing platforms are absolute pisstake things to be putting money to im against mass sport, however i still think this is very cool, NmEBFWXMImM Sounds pretty fucking epic
  5. growwwww

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good

    kL_EKaaqTP8 A friend of a friend of a friend, dnt really know this guy but impressive music.
  6. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Im hitting the pipe, i jsut love smokgin grade out of my pipe, especially with a lil bit of hash, just put in some bud, and crumble bit of hash ontop yum!!!! anyway im so stoned im gonna sleep
  7. growwwww

    Dustep DNB ect-post Anything Good

    chilled dubstep, fucking blows my mind, LrxIrI_elS8 as i said before thouogh i hate the genrefying of music, i would really call it to an apex of dubstep that song, id call it just intelligent electronic music!!! But apparently its dubstep, it seems to not be loads of fart noises and bullshit...
  8. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Ive just found some nice "hash" or so it seems, although im really skeptical about how healthy it is, however it has a fucking nice high :)
  9. growwwww

    Removing Contamination?

    1. Put them in the pressure cooker for an hour and a half minimum and it will kill alll the harmful bacteria or whatevers gown inside the jar. Then dispose of it outsidew in the bin or something and pour boiliung water over the cups and clean the shit out of them,.....What i do anyway. 2. I...
  10. growwwww

    Barney's Crimea Blue

    looks fricken lovely man, could of done with maybe a week more? actually no if thats how u like ur high. Anyay real nice man
  11. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    is that wet weight....? lets see some pics do u have a journal?
  12. growwwww

    no growth yet? do i half to retry?

    I meant innoculate some more jars* not the same jars my bad!!! woops
  13. growwwww

    no growth yet? do i half to retry?

    you just gotta be patient, wait it out see how much they grow....But why not innoculate some more :) just because you can... more shroomies cant be a bad thing?
  14. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I was just walking back to my house with 2 5cm seedlings in my bag and outside the pub which is about 20metres from the door of my house where about 3 police cars and a fucking dog i nearly shat myself i just walked past though because its the only way i can get to the door....Freekin...
  15. growwwww

    Most trippy weed?

    The most "psychadelic" experience if you can have one off weed personally ive found...Is only from being on another dimension with the pure indica and kush strains. They set your body and mind into a meditative trance that is fucking deep you feel as if you have a soul that is anchored down...
  16. growwwww

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Urgh thats annoying, i payed 20quid for some "cheese" of a dealer which weighed 1.5 so now i resorted back to getting a full 3.5 of shit commercial thai weed from my other dealer...Meh it gets me high and goes further.
  17. growwwww

    Price of shrooms UK

    Yea i realised the 8gs for £20 is very good, so yea i doubt its actually 8gs but ill find out soon cheers guys
  18. growwwww

    The Best Afghani strain?

    Hindu Kush if you like being sedated :)
  19. growwwww

    Price of shrooms UK

    Hey guys, i cant grow shroomies for a bit because of circumstances, and ive found a dealer..... Nt sure what his prices are but i buy bud off him at a decent price. I would love to know wt prices UK shroomers are paying....What are you getting for 20quid? from rumour ive heard he sells 8grams...