I had just two lower branches to hermie before I caught it on mine, a while back. After just cutting them off and adjust the environment, the plant finished fine.
Yes. That’s her. Thank you.
This was my first real plant. Same seed mother, but I had my tent last summer, when I grew her.
Loving the group! Thanks, again!
This is the lady. I know... worst environment and so-on. I did back the light off, and it appears to be developing better. Guessing it would have been a monster, if I hadn’t screwed it up.
Short-ish story: My Durban Haze likes to put out fat pistils... go amber color, then bulk. It is a cycle. We are getting fatter with no mold issues.
Too much light? Watering? Genetics?
It keeps working, whatever I am doing, but I am unsure on when is too long. Ideas?