Horse shit will work good any good garden center should have bags.. If you choose to source your own you want the aged dry stuff that is no longer stinky.
I upped the Cal/Mag.. Epsom problem solved. I also hang the lights a bit higher than most,But am gonna add some side lighting like other's here are doing...
GLG is a great seed bank never a issue been ordering from DBJ for a few years...Fast shipping, great CS! Great swag and the freebies are fuckin top shelf!!
Shroom's have helped me through some tough times. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy the destructive thoughts are just that a thought if you can squash those with positive affirmations as soon as the pop in the thought process it helps a lot. It's not easy but practice it, live it it will get...
Never did I say you did not know how to grow fuck me where did you read that? I stated a fact that the info you posed is wrong don't get all butt hurt try to have a open mind...I too have been growing for decades I come here to learn, I learned a long time ago I don't know it all...
Not true I dunno where you got that info but it is dead wrong. If you take a old mother put her in the spring sun she will rejuvenate so to speak. I have some plant's that are well over 20 years old if the begin to genetically drift spring sun has brought them back every time...
The vendor did send out replacements I got that yesterday, they where out of what I originally ordered .. If I'm told I will get a replacement for what I wanted @ $20 a seed then get ignored not cool... I'm old school that way I do way I say I'm gonna do!
Bleach will not kill mold it only bleaches the top layer..Mold has roots the penetrate deep into whatever substrate it's growing on Try TSP, Concrobium mold control or other mold killer to eliminate the mold and the root system..
Would be nice if people did what they said they are gonna do. I'm not gonna go into details but lets just say it's no cool to ignore customers be it the breeder or vendor...
"Are you the one that said to soak the new CoCo in 1700 ppm's of cal-mag for 24hrs before using it?"
That would be me that said to soak your new coco in 1,700 ppm Calmag before using... And you said seriously so I let it go, I have never had the issues I read others here posting about... I think...
I ran E$kos Chocolate Rain for a good 5 years or so it had the best dark chocolate flavors I have have ever smoked. E$ko decided to stop breading for personal reasons the dude was magic!So no more of his gear is available. I lost her due to not being able to grow for a time... Who has...