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  1. B

    Buds for Less - CFL BOOK

    Hmmm...I just got the book, and got very inspired by it. Complete newbie, but yeah, I'm going to follow the book, and see what happens. My goal isn't some amazing yield, but just something that I'll be able to smoke and say I grew it.
  2. B

    Garden Knowm, I bought your book.

    btw, I forgot to say, iloveyou i want to walk the earth in bliss and make films, too. perhaps you can teach me
  3. B

    If your only choice for seed delivery is your personal address, do you do it?

    Hello all, I've searched quite a few forums on this site, and while I have found plenty of advice on ordering seeds (and THANK YOU for that), I haven't found the answer to what seems to be a simple question. At my residence, I still get mail for the previous resident. Sometimes I get mail for...
  4. B

    Garden Knowm, I bought your book.

    First off, thank you. I'm enjoying reading your posts, and trying to learn as much as I can before embarking on my first grow. Grabbed your book from a Barnes and Noble. If you come out with a second edition, may I make a few suggestions from a newbie's perspective? 1. I wish the book would...