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    Homebox XS setup

    coool setup
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    250w hps

    bud will definately grow good..
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    Closet Grow....Lighting.

    So i am currently working on a small grow in my closet..Im definately gonna spend the money on some MH or HPS bulbs..wat i was wondering is wat are some companys people like for bulbs, and fixtures..i figure ill have 4-6 plants..Would the one 400w MH or HPS work..and im gonna veg them in 4" x 1...
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    My First Grow

    awesome grow man...def gonna do a setup like this..might use t'5 lights though..and use cfl as well..would that be overkill for lighting..
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    CFLs and types of bulb during flowering

    i would stick with both..or double up on the 2
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    friend found crop

    that blows premature are htey
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    yea i figured...they owould get some good outta it..and so far..they grew like crazy..there in my window sill till i can plant them outside..
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    So i planted some germinated seeds in some earth worm was just some soil that some worms were in for a while..and i used that..should the plants do better witht he nutrients that the worms produce...and do i even have to add any to not goin hydro just straight soil..jsut because...
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    wat is a simple fertilizer to make or buy from lowes or a garden put in soil..i know havnt been on long..just got a setup back im excited..just cant find any good ones do i wantlike 15-15-20..or wat thnx allan
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    First grow attempt..

    the bottom plant leafs look either burnt from nutrients..or there not getting enough light..but im new to this to say..not exactly sure..but thats my guess..they look good other then that
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    First grow attempt..

    thanks man for the going to go with u on this one..
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    First grow attempt..

    well i was gonna use t5's actually..and then get 2 plant grow bulbs...for the blue spectrum, and orange..
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    First grow attempt..

    now does that bulb need a special fixture..or could i just use a regular screw in lampp..wat im saying is do i need like a pendant fixture for that like a mh
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    First grow attempt..

    As titled stated im going to attempt my first grow. All i want is 2 my question is i was gonna make a grow box..and line the insides with reflectors, and use t5 lights on the sides and then on the top a single mh fixture maybe 75 to 100 i know the mh would be the best in...
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    Good fertilizer Yay or Nay

    is this a good fertilizer its 10-15-10
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    Diy Mh

    wat is a simple way to make a mh fixture...i mainly just need to kno how to wire the wat types do u use...
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    Just starting

    I wanna start off by saying hi, and this forum seems to be the best so far...Well i just started, and i wanted to kno wat brand of mh everyone is there indoor setups...:hump:....also wat soil are people using these using an all purpose miracle grow seems to be doing...