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  1. toke4smoke

    Are alot of japeneise/asian people stoners?

    my friend hes white and when he smokes his eyes make him look like a white chinese guy they are all slanted we call him chinky eyes its hilarious
  2. toke4smoke

    omg i cant believe it!

    well my mom dont smoke alot shes had about a 1/8th for about 3 weeks before she gets another since she has like 3 jobs and dont get alot of time to smoke but she said she would hook me up if i get the money and i can smoke with her if i want to and a long time ago i brought this metal pipe home...
  3. toke4smoke

    omg i cant believe it!

    i know right now i can get hook ups like 25$ for a 1/8 which i used to have to pay 45... im so happy right now haha
  4. toke4smoke

    omg i cant believe it!

    well no offense but you dont no my "mum"
  5. toke4smoke

    omg i cant believe it!

    i know dude i was like in shock and excited and because me and my mom didnt get along really we now talk alot more and get along... weed helps relationships and everything haha its a god
  6. toke4smoke

    wow im stressed crazy story

    haha dude thats crazy
  7. toke4smoke

    omg i cant believe it!

    omg i come home from a friends house and my mom is drunk off her ass and walks up to me and brings me in the garage while my sitster is inside and then she askes me if i smoke pot which she new i did for a about a year and im like yeah so shes like ok go over to the table and i go over there sit...