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  1. M

    Another PC Tower Grow

    Nice avatar Cearid, two of my favorite things. Goodluck with your grow.
  2. M

    WTF IS GOING ON? need help

  3. M

    helo do i creat co2 wivout talkin to my plants???????

    I've been wondering that same thing for quite some time now also.
  4. M

    12 hour dark

    I think you can use the green bulbs in your grow area safely because the plants don't use that light spectrum.
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    WTF IS GOING ON? need help

    Sounds like he's 10-12 just learning to curse with a squeaky little voice. Don't grow in your parents home without permission. Any punishment falls upon your parents and they could potentially lose everything that belongs to them. I'm pretty sure they don't have anything to worry about though...
  6. M

    SCROG setup, How Many Plants to Use?

    Hey Magus, according to an article on SCROG in the GROWFAQ, you're supposed to use one plant per square foot of the screen. An experienced friend recommended that I use pretty good sized pots for my attempt. I'm not sure exactly how big a good sized pot is, but I would imagine at least 2gallons...
  7. M

    hps in a small room

    Before I moved my cabinet in the garage I was kicking out temperatures ranging from 70-90degrees with a 400watter and crappy a crappy exhaust fan. Room temperature is the key to it all because now that my cabinet is in the garage I can barely keep the temperature inside the cabinet above 70...
  8. M

    Decision Time: Mandala Satori or Nirvana White Widow?

    In that case, I'm not a big fan of couch lock, and I like weed that just makes you pretty mellowed out but hangs with you for extended periods of time.
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    Decision Time: Mandala Satori or Nirvana White Widow?

    Any one alive? Or is everyone too sleepy from the turkey lol?:peace:
  10. M

    Decision Time: Mandala Satori or Nirvana White Widow?

    Hey guys, now that I've got some confidence in growing its time to pick between the two strains listed above. I was planning on getting both but my Visa Greendot card is being retarded so I've gotta pick one strain. I'm up for any recommendations also, just max price will have to only be 40USD...
  11. M

    topsy turby

    My grandparents used it this summer to grow tomatoes and it worked great for them.
  12. M

    i just need an ounce or 2

    Long days at work? I thought you only have 10 hours at your place of work? I have parental permission, I'm sorry you couldn't get the same. Goodluck on outdoors though and getting setup when you get your own place.
  13. M

    seed hasnt sprouted after 3 days

    The soil you planted in should have enough nutrients to last you about 2-3 weeks. What kind of soil are you using?
  14. M

    Anyone see Transformers?

    Thank ya NGT!
  15. M

    Anyone see Transformers?

    Yeah I'm a car aficionado, and that new Camaro definitely played a big role in the reason I liked it. If it reaches production I might just have to buy me one of them beasts now.
  16. M

    Still no CFL Forum........

    I don't understand the point of using CFL's when you can use tubes? I've seen some good grows done with CFL's don't get my wrong, but all of them were done by people with a ton of experience and a whole crap load of bulbs. It doesn't seem efficient to me at all, plus I hear they get pretty hot.
  17. M


    Aw squigggs thats depressing haha. Not yet crazy-mental because I just moved the Cabinet down to the garage out of my room last night. They're assembling their own army to fight the decent amount of bugs already in the garage.
  18. M

    Anyone see Transformers?

    NGT, I'm sure if enough people reacted the same way as you and put such opinions out in the open, film makers would re-think how they development the movies and story lines. The Crow and The Devil's Advocate took 15Mill, and 57Mill to make. 151 Million on the Transformers. I get a feel for...
  19. M

    Anyone see Transformers?

    Maybe best movie of my life was a bit of an exaggeration but it definitely held my attention better than any other movie I've seen in the last couple of years. For me it just had everything I look for in a movie. Some drama, action, CARS, trippy parts like transformation, the FBI getting shit...
  20. M

    Anyone see Transformers?

    I never saw the cartoon version, but I think I'll get a hold of it somehow now that someone put in a good word for it. I dunno man, every time they transformed I forgot about any faults of the movie because it was so friggen sweet. They definitely set the ending up so there would be a sequel...