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  1. M


    Having a super orgy in my cabinet sound pretty sweet NGT. The two of them are just relaxing on my plants as the oscillating fan shakes them up every couple of seconds, makes me awfully happy for some reason:joint:
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    Opened my grow cabinet this morning after hittin' the hay at 2AM to find a cute little lady bug relaxing on one of my little babies! I came back an hour later and apparently she brought a friend to hang out with lol. I have no idea how they got in there considering my garage was all locked up...
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    Anyone see Transformers?

    Seriously, best movie of my life and thats not the weed and alcohol talking. If you haven't seen it yet, watch it, it'll blow your mind, you'll see. Anyone else dig?
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    Still no CFL Forum........

    I think you should Hank, however my vote would be going to HPS.
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    Maruijana Harmful?

    It takes me 15minutes to finish one bowl/bong with only a 1 gram pack and I'm good for the rest of the day. I smoke Black and Milds though, which is so unhealthy.
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    High Tech Garden Supply- All your hydro needs!

    I couldn't agree with you more Sero. Its the next state over for me too, and I bought an HPS system from them and got it the next day. I'm getting ready to buy a T5 system in the next two days, and then rockwool, and soil in a few weeks. The shipping rates are great too! If anyone is looking...
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    newbie needs help

    A dude just showed me a nicely priced T5 system from HTG I plan on using for vegging. High Tech Garden Supply Goodluck!
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    T8 or T12?

    I agree. Goodluck to yourself. I'll be ordering that T5 within the next 2 days and I just moved my flowering cabinet into the garage so this is all working out great!
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    T8 or T12?

    Interesting, I like what you showed me considering that was the same math I calculated. Nice find! Thanks.
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    T8 or T12?

    The only T5's I've seen, sell for more than my HPS system was Jon Dog. Which is why I was asking between T8s and T12s. I also don't have any hydro or grow shop within a twenty mile radius, so I would have to order from some place online and pay shipping. Mobby(Or anyone for this matter) are...
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    T8 or T12?

    Anyone else wanna give their opinions?
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    T8 or T12?

    Before I go and buy the lights at HD in a few hours I wanted to see people's opinions on which would be better for vegging. I have enough room for 48'' fixtures, so between T8s and T12s only, which would you guys pick? As for flowering I already have a 400Watt HPS so no need to recommend...
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    T-5 First Grow Attempt

    I think he means sick in a good way haha. Both look good!
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    ****Vertical Grow System****

    There's 6 1000watt lights love, that might explain part of the reason the setup is so expensive. Thats just my two cents though.:joint:
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    Got A Secret Stash Spot?

    Here's a couple for you guys to chew on: My weed goes into a gutted 20gb iPod with just the screen left in it (Holds about 4 grams for when I'm on the go). My bong/bowl/anything else is inside my functional computer tower. My bags are in a drawer inside a display case that my bed is in front...
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    ****Vertical Grow System****

    This is the most badass thing I have ever laid my eyes on. I almost want to do something similar now just stick it in my cabinet lol. Rep to you sir.
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    What does a garden look like from the initiation of bloom to the harvest in a sog?

    Everytime I post a bulletin you two always respond, thanks guys haha. Victor, your T5s look like they could crap all over my 400Watt HPS, I'm actually thinking about returning my light and exchanging for one of them.
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    What does a garden look like from the initiation of bloom to the harvest in a sog?

    There is an article in the growFAQ: My question is, under a sog op. is it the same? Similar? Or completely different. Anyone got pictures like the ones in that thread?