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  1. M

    Rediculous Heat Problem, Help Me please!?

    You have to wire it yourself don't you? I've seen a nice temperature drop since I moved my thermometer into the only shade in the cabinet. It seems I might be alright.
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    Rediculous Heat Problem, Help Me please!?

    Oh man, you guys are funny.
  3. M

    Rediculous Heat Problem, Help Me please!?

    The room temperature never goes over 75 panda. A 250Watt is only $20?
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    Rediculous Heat Problem, Help Me please!?

    Before some suggests this, the ballast is already outside of the cabinet.
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    Rediculous Heat Problem, Help Me please!?

    Panda, that makes sense to me, anyone else experienced something like that? Tanuvan, yes I'm venting the air out of the box. Glockstar, its ridiculous that the temps are that high isn't it? Its so goddamn frustrating, forgive my language:-| If I can't get anything to work I guess I will have...
  6. M

    Rediculous Heat Problem, Help Me please!?

    I'm growing in a cabinet about 6 feet tall, 3 feet wide, and 2 feet deep with a 400WATT HPS and the temps just will not stay in the range of 70-80. I have the top of it pretty much all cut out, with a 20inch window fan pushing air out and a 10inch oscillating fan practically touching the HPS...
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    Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!

    WallyP, my man, thats already been done since the start. Thats a neat setup you've got there, just give growing a shot, whatcha got to lose?
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    Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!

    I feel you BigMike, I just want to get that temp to drop 6degrees because when I was designing the cab I was shooting for 80, it sucks being a perfectionist sometimes. When I open the doors to the cabinet the temperature stays right around the same too..:? Room temp. hangs around 70-74 and...
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    Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!

    Already got that pimp, and the whole floor of my cabinet is cut out for air to enter. The plants sit on a metal screen. I would take pictures for you guys but my camera is dead.
  10. M

    Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!

    Nice, I got my light from HTG too hah. Thanks everyone for your help. My temps are ranging from 22-30c, if you're too lazy to convert that its 77-86f on a 24 hour light cycle. What would be most efficient way to cool it down some more? Buy another fan and stick it up near the bulb?
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    Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!

    I wish I could help you out, but I'm not sure. Anyone want to help this dude out?
  12. M

    Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!

    Oh man, thanks for such quick responses guys! Big Mike, I do have an oscillating fan in there to keep them strong and Widow, its not too hot for my hand. Jomal its all good dude, its not exactly possible to offend someone as you give them advice to help a situation:mrgreen: As for the...
  13. M

    Just Breaking The Soil, Question on Light Distance!

    Hey everyone, I finally planted some bag seed I've had for a few months under a 400watt HPS. I was wondering how far away my light should be since they're just breaking soil and I don't want to fry them. Thanks in advance guys:blsmoke:
  14. M

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

  15. M

    Music To Get Stoned To

    My high is determined by music, because they set the mood. Like, if I just want to chill, listen to some Hendrix, or Pink Floyd; get pumped up, maybe some Nirvana, or Rage Against The Machine. Happy highs come from ska bands usually, Less Than Jake send me spinning nuts and Sublime makes me...
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    i got my dog high

    Whenever I touch the window my cat jumps next to me because the only time I open it is to smoke and on occasion I blow haze in his face. He's retarded anyway. :joint:
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    That looks amazing.
  18. M

    Moonlight questions

    Well I read FDD's plants have the kitchen light shining on them through his window and we all know what kind of results he's had.
  19. M

    Moonlight questions

    So from quick research, I found that some outdoor growers allow the moon to shine on their plants while they're in flowering. I don't know about other places around the world but, a full moon where I live illuminates my entire window at night. Which made me wonder why us indoor growers are told...