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  1. M

    Interior Wall Covering

    I'm building out a room within a spare room of mine it's gonna be a closed system. Anwho, I'm trying to decide between wall coverings I know it's mostly preference my three options I am looking at are Panda film Reflectix sunleaves equvilent the bottom two are similar to mylar as they...
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    I would and did, I didn't use poly I went with a 20mil pond liner
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    Club 600

    I'm taking this jilly bean tonight along with two others a Mandala 8 mile high and a Sharksbreath from dna Hope you enjoy not the greatest pic or plants i'm learning still and working on getting a better space
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    A Question about Framing a Room Inside a Room +rep for Help

    Thanks weegogs I already saw your posts and I am going to use some of your ideas to benefit my room. My main concern is smell, I live in an old house that has a bit of air leaks. I want this room to be as close to air tight as possible. I'm going to use my basement to exhaust air and another...
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    A Question about Framing a Room Inside a Room +rep for Help

    I'm going to framing a 6x8 room inside a room out of wood 2x4 what would be the preferred wood to use on a project like this. I plan to cover everything in in plastic and instead of drywall I'm going to be using 1and 1/2 foam sheets, and sealing all the seams. Any other tips or afterthoughts...
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    Ventilation Question

    I think you would be ok with that as long as your aren't sog or scrog when they get older i might have the ocilating on the floor under the canopy and possibly another small fan to attach to the top. As long as the plants have room you can use that i'm sure ventilation would be best and it...
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    Club 600

    Pulled a g13 blueberry gum out my garden fro some darkness before the chop. I still have 2 8mile high from Mandala, 1 Jillybean and 1 Sharksbreath I'm watching the trichs as best I can. When looking at trichs do you look at the whole thing or just mainly the head?
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    Fox farms line up vs. Supersoil and water/molasses

    My first grow I was using the Fox farm line up the three liquid and three dry flowering nutes. I gave them less than recommended because I didn't want to burn or stress the plants anymore than need be. Anyways the plant that did really well yielded me almost 4 ounces which is amazing due to my...
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    My Babies Look Sick I'm Still Pretty New

    I've given them some light feedings of fox farms big grow. I will give them more next feeding as I have given them very small amounts. I am bad at discerning what the plant could be missing, a lot of the differences look the same in the books I use as reference. I plant to move them up to a...
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    Topping Help on My Sick Short Plants

    I posted separately about the well being of my plants and hope to get it remedied soon. These guys nodes are so tight together and there are around 5/7 nodes I'm worried about taking them at the second true node. The growth at the bottom isn't very healthiest and if I take it at the second I...
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    My Babies Look Sick I'm Still Pretty New

    These are grown from seed they were placed in rockwool cubes and then into Roots organics aroura I have given them little more than water. They are approx 4 weeks old top growth looks good a few were stunted and started getting sickly leaves. Now all are getting sickly lower leaves. Top growth...
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    G13 Labs BLUEBERRY GUM a VERY dark strain but PURPLE OR BLUE? [PORN VIDEO!]

    how long are you letting it go I have A BBG in day 30
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    Smartpot/root/water question +++rep

    I have 24" plants topped at the second true node entering their 8th week of veg and are about to go into flowering. They are in 4 gallon smart pots and those are in 1 inc deep plastic dishes. They quite quickly grew roots that poked out the bottom of the smart pots and I believe because the type...
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    big attitude promo, whats everyones most wanted beans?

    I heard those were kinda bunk and should have never gotten the hype, any hype call it out and always give props TGA is the man if you haven't used him and R.P.'s headband(sourkush) turned out amazingly for me
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    big attitude promo, whats everyones most wanted beans?

    It's not even the money i just can't grow that many! my collection is getting too big!
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    big attitude promo, whats everyones most wanted beans?

    I"m deff ordering one full pack of tga depending whats available agent orange or querkle. I will also pick up some pick and mic from samsara green love and jeykll passion next generations grapegod
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    Water Meter Reading 9.5!?!? 5 days haven't watered (HELP)

    do not rely on a moisture meter just learn to listen to your plants either use the weight of the whole pot dry vs wet this is an easy way to tell or else use your finger if the soil is bone dry the first few inches it might also be that time. If you have pots with holes in the bottom you can...
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    Uncle Ben's Topping Technique to Get 2 or 4 Main Colas

    So this might have been answered before, I haven't gone through all 322 pages but I have read many. I topped most of my plants at above the second true node, I topped two above the third true node. On the two I was going to clip the bottom two branches to clone. will this render the same...
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    Gastanker's 600+w Organic UV Grow

    I was curious as to what material you covered your tent with as well as what you used to connect that material to the frame and to otehr pieces of the covering it self.
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    setting up vegg cfl/t5 bank +rep

    I'm setting up my t5 bank to clone my current grow I'm going to be topping and trying to clone the tops as well as taking cuttings after the topped plants have recovered a vegged a couple more weeks. My question is should I have all 6500k bulbs for vegg or is it good to have a few 3000-3500k...