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  1. smokeymarine

    Can this PH meter tell the PH in soil?

    My understanding is that run off isn't really the best way to measure soil pH. I collect some soil from the pot and mix it in a ratio of 2 parts soil to 1 part water. Let it sit for 30 minutes then measure the pH of the slurry.
  2. smokeymarine

    Can i re-use soil???

    Sure, just don't leave any of the roots behind and remember that most of the nutes are gone.
  3. smokeymarine

    best way to germinate

    Lots of way to get the job done. I personally drop seeds in a cup of water for a day or two then put them about 1/4" input soaking wet soil. Seems to work.
  4. smokeymarine

    Quick Farm farm trio question

    3 tsp = 1 tbsp 4 tbsp = 1/4 cup
  5. smokeymarine

    Quick Farm farm trio question

    I've been using a mix of 2tsp Alaska fish emulsion, 1 tsp Tiger Bloom and 1/4cup Big Bloom per gallon of water every watering for the past 4 or 5 waterings. I had been just using Big Bloom since flowering, but they started looking pale. Since switching over to this mix they are looking good.
  6. smokeymarine

    ph out of controll

    If you're going to transplant then definately do it before you put them under 12/12 for flowering. It seems odd that your pH would be so high with those nutes. I use the same nutes and they drive water that starts out at 6.8 down to 5.2. Where are you seeing pH in the high 7's? Is that run off...
  7. smokeymarine

    Big Bud x Skunk #1 in a 3x3 closet grow

    I would recommend 4 max. 5 Just barely fits in 3x3. In fact I would say its too crowded. A small fan works to move the air around and a 30cfm fan pulls air out of the closest into the garage through some carbon filters.
  8. smokeymarine

    Big Bud x Skunk #1 in a 3x3 closet grow

    Here's a few more at 21 days. How they looking? I think the harvest will be staggerded. 2 plants seem more more mature than the others.
  9. smokeymarine

    Big Bud x Skunk #1 in a 3x3 closet grow

    Here's a before and after. First one is at 14 days and the second is 21 days.
  10. smokeymarine

    Predicted Yield?

    Like this... Also Dry Ice will provide CO2 anyplace that it evaporates.
  11. smokeymarine

    What the Hell am i doing Wrong!!!!!!!Hermaphrodite again!! Second grow...

    You need to get the morning after pill for those sluts :bigjoint:
  12. smokeymarine

    Predicted Yield?

    I actually thought the plants look pretty healthy. They may not be as big and full as some at that age, but still look cared for. A real reflector should definately be your next upgrade. In fact if you aren't able to get one it might be better to hang the lamp vertical and surround it your...
  13. smokeymarine

    Oh Happy Day

    You are one lucky SOB. It looks pretty sweet. I may need to go clean up my basement, hmmm...
  14. smokeymarine

    23 Days, Yellowing Fan Leaves

    I think you were right on bigjesse. I didn't have any GP nutes so I gave a mix of fish emulsion and FF Tiger Bloom a couple nights ago and she's looking better already. I should have known that myself, thanks for setting me straight.
  15. smokeymarine

    23 Days, Yellowing Fan Leaves

    Good point bigjes. I'll give them all a good shot of food.
  16. smokeymarine

    23 Days, Yellowing Fan Leaves

    Here's some pics. First one is a plant with no issues. The 2nd picture is the one that is yellowing. The pic of the fan leaves is 3 that came off the problem plant. The 2 very yellow leaves are an extreme example of the problem. The leaf at the top right is actually starting to get pale. It very...
  17. smokeymarine

    23 Days, Yellowing Fan Leaves

    I'm gonna jump in on this cause I'm having a similar issue. I'll try to get a picture, but honestly I would have a hard time showing what I'm seeing. 1 out of 5 plants looks much paler than the rest. It is very uniformly pale. It was getting fish emulsion in veg about every other watering...
  18. smokeymarine

    Day 42 flower w/pictures

    I learned the basics of growing from my Pop. He used to do indoor and out door. I can remember make runs to the field when I was just a little tike :) I even remember watching a photoshoot being done for High Times back in the lates 70's. Something with a fully in bloom female plant hanging...
  19. smokeymarine

    Home Depot now in the Grow biz?

    There's nothing wrong with the lamps I'm sure. Can't be any worse than the majority of the fluor lamps out there. But with the T5's there are some rather "exotic" lamps available. I think they were mainly designed for coral aquariums and aquarium plant life. Very specific light wave lengths.
  20. smokeymarine

    Home Depot now in the Grow biz?

    I meant that you would need to buy these fancy narrow spectrum lamps that all the T5 fans seem to like. But yeah $125 with a few lamps to get you started sounds pretty good.