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  1. zippythehippy

    can i switch to12/12

    ok i got a maxi GoM about 1week from harvest its an auto strain just wondered if i could flip to 12/12 now and not lose any yield and put my aurora into flower its been vegging for nearly 6 weeks
  2. zippythehippy


    anyone else got any advice on this one
  3. zippythehippy


    here you go hope this helps my cam is shite
  4. zippythehippy


    ill try get a pic gimmie 10 mins
  5. zippythehippy


    ok so my auto ak47s been growing for 10 weeks all trichs are all milky is it ready or should i wait a bit longer
  6. zippythehippy

    Any use for a male plant?

    could leave the malein the pot and use it as a door stop :D
  7. zippythehippy

    Autoflower Cage Match: Round Two!

    oh well i missed this one maybe catch the next one if i got nothing growing i got maxi GoM 1week from havest though ill pop up some pics next week if anyones interested
  8. zippythehippy

    Maxi Gom

    i only use baby bio in veg first 2 weeks and use tomorite for the rest oh and i used pk13/14 first time ever used only half strength though i feed nutes every other watering the soil i used was new horizons organic with 50% perlite never again though good drainage but washed alot of nutes out...
  9. zippythehippy

    Week 10 Not Sure When To Harvest Help Anyone??

    you could harvest the parts that are ready and leave the lower branches another week
  10. zippythehippy

    Heat/Cooling Questions? Ask me.

    ok how much heat does a 600w hps give off after being on for say 12hours
  11. zippythehippy

    After how long can you start harvesting?

    Vegetative - OR 'Vegging' Refers to the vegetative stage in the first part of a plants life when it is only growing leaves and stems. This is when you have your lights on 18/6-24/0, or any timing variation where the amount of light exceeds the amount of dark by several hours. This phase...
  12. zippythehippy

    flowering issues.

    yes but flowering can take 8weeks or more wether it was vegged for a week or a year flowering time would still be 8weeks +
  13. zippythehippy

    flowering issues.

    that plant looks no where near done just give it time rome wasnt built in a day
  14. zippythehippy

    After how long can you start harvesting?

    i didnt say you had to veg if you read my reply i said some choose to got 12/12 from seed some veg for 4\8weeks to increase yield
  15. zippythehippy


    all the seeds ive had vary in size i mainly go on the colour if its a brown with blackish spots they are normally good paler almost white ones seem to fail germing
  16. zippythehippy

    "GROW BIG" during Flowering?

    i feed mine a light feeding of veg nutes nearly all the way through along with my flower nutes stops my leaves yellowing and dropping later in my grow
  17. zippythehippy

    After how long can you start harvesting?

    before you harvest you got to veg them well some go 12/12 from seed but most veg on 18/6 for 4/8 weeks for a bigger yield then swap to 12/12 for between 7 to 20 weeks depends on strain
  18. zippythehippy

    Big Buddhas super Automatic Newbie HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

    whats the genetics of these second of all id feed them according to the nutes feeding scheduale your using as far as i know for coco you need coco specific nutes such as canna A+B
  19. zippythehippy

    Use of Sugar

    ive heard and read on the use of mollases which is by product in sugar refining so i guess its the same thing as sugar water also heard of giving extra long darkperiod at the end of flowering to produce more trichs not sure if extra heat or less water would be much good
  20. zippythehippy

    too hot

    if you cooled your box with some intake and output the temp would be lower and your plants might be happier in there