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  1. immacomputa

    Need Help with Topping

    I read on the site that topping is this: Topping Method used to increase yield and maximize space, by trimming off the top bud. Traditionally, topping your plant causes two shoots to grow back in place of the one pruned off, thus increasing the number of top/main buds I'm not sure how much to...
  2. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    I recently decided I need an immediate upgrade in lighting and have been lacking in it and just barely making it by with the fluorescents I have. I was looking into this item here ALL NEW 400 watt HPS Grow Light High Pressure Sodium w - eBay (item 370048611005 end time May-26-08 19:57:00 PDT)...
  3. immacomputa

    Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America

    Unfortunately I worked at Wal-Mart for a while during high school and they are totally against unions. The training videos that Wal-Mart show to you when you start working there specifically tell you in them that unions are bad and will try to get you to sign up for them and take your money for...
  4. immacomputa

    Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America

    seconded and I'll do that right now. :joint::peace:
  5. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    so I just got back from walmart. for now I got 8 23 watt bulbs 1600 lumens each. and all the little light things for it. I don't plan on going big so I think that should be good for now in the state that the plants are in. the potting soil I got is Miracle Grow Moist Mixture. I also found...
  6. immacomputa

    Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America

    Did you even read the entire article?
  7. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    I tried my hardest looking all over the place on this website and tried the search feature but got no where. maybe I was typing in the wrong stuff. who knows? sorry. :( I'm not being lazy. I honestly have done days of research on this stuff. no lie. lol. but to no avail apparently. Fortunately...
  8. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    :( I'm not a guy. I'm a girl. and sorry BCSKing, either me and my boyfriend were too high or who knows what, but we just did not get what you were saying. lol. sorry. but then once GrowBigOrGrowHome posted his thing I totally get what you're saying now and my b/f helped explain it to me because...
  9. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    thanks for all the info. so yeah. now that I've got this all settled for the most part I need to do some more research about mothers and clones, cuz I know like nothing about that so far. when should I start worrying about that?
  10. immacomputa

    Wal-Mart: The Asshole of America

    I have to buy at walmart because it's the only store on my bus line and america doesn't support good mass transportation. walmart isn't the only problem america has.
  11. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    ok. cool. I plan to use soil with nutrients anyways. so should I use a 30-10-10 mix or a 20-20-20 mix?
  12. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    perfect answer thank you very much. but why do you say not to use soil with nutrients already added?
  13. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    I can't do that. I need a fixture that plugs into a standard 110 volt outlet. I need to know what I can get for that for a CFL. not a tube light.
  14. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    I do plan on staying with CFL's. Also I had no idea that I could just buy a ballast (btw, I kind of got a vague description of what a ballast is so if you could explain it a bit more I might understand) for a CFL and didn't even have to worry about a light fixture. I am not electric savvy and...
  15. immacomputa

    Growing supplies and whatnot. need help please.

    ok. so how about I tell you my situation. I bought some (edit) STERILIZED basic soil at a local mart, germinated random seeds I had in some paper towels (I didn't buy a specific strain or anything as this is my first time growing and just wanted it this way) and I made ghetto containers for...