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  1. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Humidity of high.

    Forgot to add if it matters. The pot is 12ltrs and fabric and I’ve gone all organic with this one too. Thanks in advance for any help. Cheers.
  2. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Humidity of high.

    Hi chaps. I’ve not had to ask a question for a while because everything was going well with my Big Bang Auto in its small tent, but I’ve hit an issue in week six just as flowering is underway.The weather here has turned wet and hot and boy has the humidity gone up. I have a de hum in the tent...
  3. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    Many thanks. I’ll get on it.
  4. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    This shop is literally down the road from me. They were just too busy to give me info so just directed me to their web site. Unfortunately they are now closed due to that Kung Flu but will post. I don’t expect you to...
  5. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    Cou Could you suggest what product I might use as I actually thought that big bud was it! Like an idiot.
  6. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    So many conflicting suggestions I feel I’m almost back to square one.
  7. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    The seeds web site says Auto AK has a 70 day average harvest which is why I was about to start flushing this week if I had not thought it had a nute problem. Do you think it's in it's last days?
  8. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    I switched to big bud about 2 weeks ago but was only using half portions 2.5ml p/l. I also thought I was entering flushing territory this week or next so I didn't want to give it more feeds. Plant germinated 15th Jan so on week 11 now. As this is first grow for me don't quite know when harvest...
  9. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    I've just tested the run off and it's actually 6.5 which surprised me. I'm still preparing for a re pot though but unsure what the results might be. I'm loosing more sleep from plant worry than Covid stress!!
  10. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    Thanks everyone for chipping in too. Glad I found this place.
  11. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    If run off is low should we just up the ph when watering or is there other issues?
  12. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    I’ve been supper paranoid with the ph. I have 2 digital and a good old liquid test kit and get my Mrs to check the colour as I’m never that good. This is why I have trouble believing it’s ph as after nutes the ph goes in at 6.5 ish but then run off might come out as low as 6 or lower. I might...
  13. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    Hi Hi. Really appreciate your input. I’ve just given them a full feed and will see how it looks tonight. If no change would you also suggest repot? Although f knows how I’m going to do that in the loft!!
  14. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    So you recon I’ve underfed not over?
  15. Baron Von Thunderclapp

    Sudden change in plant health during flower.

    Auto AK strain. Grown in perlite soil. 8litre breathable pot. Ph constantly tested between 6.3 and 6.8. Run off slightly lower. In veg stage used Formulex nite solution from grow supply shop in uk. Used only half suggested amounts. Switched to Big bud two weeks ago also on half quantity. Small...