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  1. Boagus

    very sad please

    im not very experienced so forgive me if im wrong but i reckon ur buds cld get bigger still, during flowering i think leaves tend to get yellow and fall off naturally which wont help that u have lost a lot of leaves already but dont worry if theyre yellowing i think. the leaves take a lot of...
  2. Boagus

    changed my plant to new soil and now the leaves are all leaning down

    also is ur soil composure 100% mircale grow? i use miracle grow but i mix it 50% miracle grow 50% soil frm the garden with some blood meal mixed in. i wasted a shitload of grows before frm using 100% compost. learnt a lot of lessons from mistakes i did!
  3. Boagus

    changed my plant to new soil and now the leaves are all leaning down

    yeah man i agree with korvette1977 last time i repotted (was my first time) i watered straight after repotting as recomended, it took some shock and was droopy like mad, and the next day it had perked up so no worries man, just make sure u water when its dry next so no overwatering and all is...
  4. Boagus

    Harvest coming soon

    hi, i posted in indoor but i think wrong thread, this is my first flowering and im not sure how long i have left to go, its 6th week of flowering my strawberry cough and theres plenty brown pistils, but trichromes are mostly clear, theres a fair few turning cloudy, and one or two that are amber...
  5. Boagus

    Burnt pistols *must read*

    i have/had this problem, plant had already reached almost full height but its started to get new growth around it anyways so it shldnt be a problem
  6. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    checked the trichromes n it seems i have mostly clear/cloudy with maybe one amber per leaf, 2 weeks left does anyone reckon? so many views, no replies?
  7. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    more dark pistils the burnt top part :(
  8. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    anyone else on here got any opinions?
  9. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    yay the top has grown a bit more new pistils. everyday more crystals are appearing im guessing about 20 days left? anyone got any idea when i should start to flush??
  10. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    ps its starting to smell real fruity all of a sudden!
  11. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    bumpitty bump :)
  12. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    but yeah anyone got any idea about when i burnt the very top tip if itll affect the yield? and has anyone got any experience with the strawberry cough? if it was good as the reviews
  13. Boagus

    Can you sprout a seed with a 10watt fluorescent light??

    heyhey, if its any help i germinate my seeds on a plate covered in wet tissue beneath and on top of the seed in a warm dark place for a couple of days then plant them, making sure the light isnt too near the seeds as hps can create a lot of heat. if u place ur hand near the top of the soil where...
  14. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    reckon the flowering time will be longer than 65 days in total?
  15. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    oh yeah another thing, there is next to no smell from this plant, only just recently is there a slightly piney/fruity smell when i move it. i was quite surprised!
  16. Boagus

    Flowering Mcbanter

    Hey folks, im 38 days into flowering with me baby thats just over 2 months old i think, soil mixed with miracle grow compost, with bloodmeal mixed in and bio bloom as ferts. watered every 2 days and has a 400w hps all to itself. (its just over 1m tall, but tied to the side of the closet as it...
  17. Boagus

    Do plants droop after transplanting?

    yay! mine perked up, hope yours do to canadianreefer!
  18. Boagus

    Do plants droop after transplanting?

    damnit i over watered..just checked with the moisture meter. this is gonna be a long ride!
  19. Boagus

    Do plants droop after transplanting?

    ayeee tis good advice, pretty much how i done it. just hoping i wake tomorrow and the plant perks up and doesnt go all yellow on me. pherhaps i just shocked them a little. canadianreefer how did you transplant yours?