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  1. P

    Rockwool Cubes or Root Riot Cubes

    Edit: didn't notice how old this mofo is
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    Superstoner's new 3 rail, 50gal system, 36-40oz every 2 weeks.

    What a read, why would you ask this guy to leave your thread then turn around reel him right back in with this comment, must be a woman?
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    Adding nutes

    In most cases you'll probably find the need to go the opposite way tho, 1100 back to 1000 as an example,
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    Adding nutes

    It kinda also depends on how much water you need to top off with, but yea that's the right idea, I have friends who only top off with fresh water until res change but I like to keep ppms same, After a few tops offs youll have it down
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    RDWC/Flooming/Waterfall/No Airstones?

    This is were my journey has led me so far, (I must say, I find joy in building my own rigs) Setup(for this run) 2 5 gallon bucket system, 3 total buckets, In the bucket with the plant there is 2 bucket on top of the other this allows head space for a total of 8 gallons of water to be used, 2...
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    Adding nutes

    That's were your PPM meter comes in, If you keep track of your ppms you'll know what needs to be added for top offs, Say your starting ppm is 1000, top off time you check and it's 900 you'd know your plant has been hungry, OR you check and it's up too 1100 you'd know she's been thirsty Ppm...
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    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    I am gonna keep up the full strength ph perfect trial here with bi weekly updates, then probly go straight on to half strength test to compare overall witch is better, BUT, I'm a little more understanding the way forum posting works and I'm gonna hope over to the DWC section in hydroponics and...
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    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    What are you feeding them, how often, and what did you "burn" them with? EDIT: and just curious, what's your growing medium.
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    nute burn, cutting affected leaves

    I'm with pro human, looks like N deficancy, What are you feeding them? And what did you burn them with?? burns usually happen up top, and your yellowing from bottom is almost always N def. To answer your question: I always cut burnt leaves out so I can easily spot a new problem, BUT, if you...
  10. P

    PPM Q:

    I keep hearing to use my advanced nutes (or all nutes even) at 50% in DWC my question is WHY? Not burning my plants, my plants buy their own nutes so wastefulness is not a concern, Any insight? I'm using their ph perfect line of course (they dont even stock it not ph perfect) so please no...
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    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Had not thought about that, I decided to go only super soil for my dirt grows from now on,
  12. P

    DWC/TAP ??

    My tap comes out 32 ppm, At the moment I fill 50 gal drums and let gas off the chlorine for 48-72 hours, I also have a RO filter but don't use it, Seems like it might be actually a good thing in dwc to just use my fresh chlorinated water? I've read a lot of people say it's bad and good...
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    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    To this day, supersoil watering with h2o and EWC only has produced my finest crops, too bad can't dump that in my bucket ;)
  14. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Sweet, thank you for the reply and info, I did a few test runs with AN half strength in soil but my strain demanded calmag :( Lol, coming from super soil that was a trip!
  15. P

    Some roots developing and some not?

    As roots find dead ends/water/food sources they send signals to the main to send out new guys, As a fellow DWC grower this seems normal to me, You can expect slower root growth with low temps as well, but I keep mine low as well 11 days Is not much veg time either, possibly use root...
  16. P

    TGA 9 Pound Hammer?

    Bit late on the reply but... It's day 40 from the flip, not the hugest nugs but they are well developed with nice calyx to leaf ratio, I killed my amazing jesus og Kush simply because this stuff finish in half the time, And thank you, too bad I didn't keep a clone of her,, was just testing the...
  17. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Also using frozen 1 gallon jugs I've been able to keep her around 19.5 Celsius
  18. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Day 1 week 2, she's looking good no burns, finished the system few days ago, now it's RDWC, (I used a little L-bow to keep the water spraying down, from my research this alone would create enough oxygen in the water to keep her alive, stones are off in the pic but I still have them
  19. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Wondering if you have to use Calmag when only going half strength