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  1. P

    The second round with the UnderCurrent, The $6,500 expearment gets better

    I like how this guy says 439 grams Is just shy of 4 pounds, Just goes to show ,, spending big money don't make you any good
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    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Lil strain info: I've never let her go past 40 days from 12/12 At this time it's always been 10-20% amber heads with 10% being my fave I have a similar plant I did in soil to test the stretch on a screen so I could apply that here, Here's a pic of day 39 (today) for her might be a bit blurry...
  3. P

    Flowering Nutrients

    I'd switch right away!
  4. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    BTW, I feel DWC will allow use of the full strength nutes, I personally wouldn't use it so strong with any other type of grow, this is just a test ;)
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    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    She's sagging a bit from the wait but will be fine, also tomorrow I'll start cleaning out below screen and removing leafs up top
  6. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Boom! Just finished upgrading her house, now she has a control bucket, and 8 gallon res,one gallon being a frozen gallon(see pic) so 7 liquid atm, chiller in the future, also she is all alone in her 5 gallon pot(root space) no airlines/stones ;) I have the pump but have to run a cord tomorrow...
  7. P

    Curing, a myth perpetuated by bad growers

    I have found the best method for me to be.... 1st 3 days temp 60, RH 50 (Goal to get about 65-70% dry) Drop temp to 50 raise RH to 60, At about day 9-11 chlorophyll will be fuming from plant, will smell like grass you'll think it's ruined A goal of 14 total day (Use more airflow 1st 3 days to...
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    Is Ocean Forest all that?

    I seem to remember having to hit the ocean forest with lime to stabilize ph over the long I use happy frog as well, and it allready has the lime in it,
  9. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Ty for info, always good to hear advice from someone running the same stuff :), definitely Ganna ride it out at full strength to set the standard for myself, next bucket I'll cut back to half and compare end weight then adjust from there. Unless, I'm getting a separate bucket going with house...
  10. P

    Got a 6x4-1/2ftx4ft closet space how to maximize use for soil grow

    Look into Scrog (screen of green), IMO best way to take advantage of small area.
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    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Decided I might have to use a ppm meter, was going to top off with plain water but decided I will add base nutes at top off to maintain ppm as they claim full strength is needed to keep ph perfect part stable, I know plants drink more water than notes most days so will need the ppm to adjust top...
  12. P

    Whats is this.. ?

    If your dirt is any good those seedlings shouldn't need nutes or very light if any
  13. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    2 5 gal buckets 1 inside the other,this allows for 4 gallons to be used,air stones in bottom bucket, holes in the top bucket,plan on upgrading it further with a second bucket so I don't have to lift plant but it works as is,the screen is attached to the lid/netpot 40 days veg, attached screen...
  14. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Bottom is her on the way to flower room. Top pic is older If you look close you may notice I super cropped (pinched hard until it crushed then bent over) about 50 of the tops a week before that pic,after 3 days all stood back up, you can see the knuckles forming, I'm pleased with the...
  15. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Oh yea I hit her good with a neem oil bath on way into flower, I have never had mites but I never will either,, I spray need around the room and doors as well, also its well vented but I feel this will help keep and mold/mildew from between the screens,
  16. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    DAY 2 FLOWER: Full strength connoisseur a/b (4 ml per liter ) few additives at 2 ml And blood bud at 2 tsp for 7 gal (I start with 4 gal so used 1 and half tsp) Have the lights backed off 3 feet or so since going from t5 to hps will Lower tonight She's looking happy
  17. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Found a pic of the 9lb in bagged supersoil
  18. P

    MMJ,DWC, Scrog, ph perfect trial

    Strain= 9 pound hammer Plant has been on ph perfect sensi grow full strengh, The plan is to test the advanced nutes full ph line, no ph pen no ppm meter, full strength like the bottle says, Before this I was testing out the bagged super soil, in the future I plan to make my own, I also have...
  19. P

    TGA 9 Pound Hammer?

    Sorry new to posting pics. Top one is my cross of 9lb×gsc Bottom one is my second pheno 9lb, only one happen to have pics of, my main on is 2 times as frosty. Might snap a pic later, I harvest at 10% amber 90% milky. That's day 40 for both phenos,, the 9lb in pic is the more kushy...